XLIFF TC Meeting

When:  Dec 15, 2015 from 11:00 to 12:00 (ET)

Please get the dial in information from our private Action Item here:


I Administration (0:00 - 0:10)
  A. Roll call

  B. Approve meeting minutes, 17 November 2015
  C. Revise scheduled for XLIFF 2.1    

  D. Requesting progress of ISO submision of XLIFF 2.0

  E. Mandate extension of the XLIFF P&L Subcommittee - Lucía, second from Fredrik

  F. * Okapi XLIFF Toolkit 1.1 Available (Yves)

  G. * XLIFF Support - Survey (Lucía)

II XLIFF 2.1 (0:10 - 0:45)

* indicates new topic, not yet discussed

  A. Discuss whether can be allowed at all extension points (Ryan)
  B. Inline attributes and canCopy (Ryan)
  D. Typo in example ( dataRefEnd) (Yves)
  E. Add N Constraint to the core order attribute
     DF will make a CFD for this on mailing list. This has been now sufficiently discussed. [pending AI for dF]
  F. Template/Model for TBX Mapping with XLIFF v2.0 and Higher Version 1.0 (DavidF)
     https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/xliff/201411/msg00091.html [pending AI for Fredrik]
  G. ITS storage size restriction
     Fredrik to propose slr profile for ITS storage size data category [pending AI for dF]
  H. Mistakes in the spec (Soroush)
  I. NVDL for the core is updated (Soroush)
  J. NVDL validation for XLIFF 2.0 (Soroush)
  K. * Comment on 2.1 draft (Yves)
  L. * CanReorder Validation error (Ryan)

  M. * ITS text analytics (David)

  N. Internationalization and beyond related metadata for JSON - XLIFF perspective? (Felix)
  O. * XLIFF Support Survey Draft (Lucía)
  P. * Question on namespace re-writing and ITS text analysis (Felix)
  Q. * Proposal For Change Tracking in XLIFF 2.1 (Phil)
  R. Errors in test suite for Change Tracking module (Yves)
     [action item: Bryan to fix]
  S. CTR test suite files
     [action item: Bryan to fix]
  T. * Preserving spaces inline (Yves)
  U. * Inline codes in Change Tracking (Yves)
  V. * Implementing XLFF 2.0 test suite files (Ryan)

III Sub Committee Report (0:45 - 0:55)

IV  Current and New Business (0:55 -


Agenda :


DavidF seconds.

B: Meeting minutes approved.


-- Requesting progress of ISO submission of XLIFF 2.0

David Filip, these are Alan Melby questions: As for XLIFF at the TC 37 conference in Copenhagen at the end of June, I have not heard a recent status.  Has an official ISO TC 37 NWIP (New Work Item Proposal) ballot been issued?  If so, did it end up in SC 4 or SC 5?

DF: Fast track still needs an approval.

F: yes, it still needs approval, fast track just accelerates things.

DF: I will address those questions to Peter.

Df: I might try to go Copenhagen.

F: It might be doable for me as I can go on a day and be back on the same day.

DF: The meeting will take place in June/July. I am in contact with ISO and I am seeing if I should join the Irish or the Czech delegation.


-- Okapi XLIFF Toolkit 1.1 Available (Yves)

B: That is good news.


-- Lucia.  XLIFF Support - Survey (Lucía)

L: No answers yet. The survey is open for tool developers within the TC.

Df: we'd like to address the TC members first.


--- Preserving spaces inline (Yves)

F: It is too late to change the deafult for source and target in the schema.

DF: I agree, but we need to describe the best practice in the pec. It needs some normative language to obtain predictable results.

F: you can just apply general XML preservation rules

DF: the use case is mixed behavior.

F: we should have a note explicitating it.

Df: We actually have a problem if we have mixed behavior within a segment. We need exact procedure to indicate what to do if we have mixed space handling within segment or unit. You need to normalise what needs to be normalised, but not normalise where white spaces need preserved. The issue is that other vocabularies do have mixed behavior, but we cannot have it becuse of pesudospans in inline content.

F: that information can be added with ITS.

Df: probably the best to address would be a note or a warning in core and just quote it in the ITS description, becuase the issue is not ITS specific, ITS just used xml:space.

Df: We need to have somebody to write the text that is spec ready. Yves had the AI.

B: I will refer to these minutes.


 -- Implementing XLFF 2.0 test suite files (Ryan)

B: Ryan has made some discoveries on the files that Yves and I created. I will take care of the change tracking ones. I can ask Yves to have a look at the core ones.

F: We should have one error only for file, it is a good a practise to do that.

B: I agree, that is a good practise.

Df: for the advance validation, we might need more than the artefacts. For example, using the test files. If people want to help Souroush with the prose spec for advanced validation...

S: I can take care of some of the issues of the validaditon, but I need to do a list. I will send that list to the TC asking for comments.


III Sub Committee Report (0:45 - 0:55)

Df: The sister committee has started last week. We will need close liaison between committees. The next meeting will take place in January. I was elected chair of the committee. Microsoft joined, also SDL and Yves. The liaison to the XLIFF TC was also formed, Yves was the link. Alan Melby volunteered for the liaison with TBX but he wanted to transfer the TBX mapping to the sister committee.

I would like to ask the TC next month, if the TC would hand over the work on the TBX mapping to the OSMOS TC? The OMOS TC has mappings explicitly in scope.

B: I would support it.

F: I do not have any objections for that.


Df: I kindly ask all the tool implementers on the TC if they please could fill out the survey by Christmas.

B: We hear that

B: TC adjourned

Meeting Statistics
Quorum rule 51% of voting members
Achieved quorum yes
Individual Attendance Contributing Members: 6 of 35 (17%)
Voting Members: 6 of 11 (54%) (used for quorum calculation)
Company Attendance Contributing Companies: 6 of 16 (37%)
Voting Companies: 6 of 9 (66%)