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Agenda: DITA TC Wiki:
8:00-8:05 Roll call
* Regrets: JoAnn, Stan, Eliot, Su-Laine, Robert Anderson, Steve Manning
Approve minutes from previous business meetings:
* (21 April 2009)(updated)
Subcommittee reports (as needed)
* OASIS DITA Translation Subcommittee
* OASIS DITA Learning Content Subcommittee
* OASIS DITA Machine Industry Subcommittee
* OASIS DITA Semiconductor Information Design Subcommittee (need to schedule)
* OASIS DITA for Enterprise Business Documents Subcommittee
* OASIS DITA Help Subcommittee
* OASIS DITA for Technical Standards
* OASIS DITA Adoption TC
Business: (one half hour for old business so we can get to the Master Topic List)
1. ITEM: Cross-references to Topicheads and Implicit Title-only Topics
* (Eliot, others)
* Action (21 April): Michael to respond to Eliot; Eliot to send a proposal to the list.
* (proposal for vote)
2. ITEM: Mapref attribute resolution (almost closed!)
* How does @scope behave when cascading from map to map?
o Action (21 April): Robert to write up summary based on 21 April discussions; vote when it is posted.
3. ITEM: Editorial Style (can close contingent on following action)
* Action: Gershon Joseph will follow through on this by setting up the sign-up page.
4. ITEM: The Case for Aggregated Editing (EBD item for TC review)
* (TSelf comment)
* leave on agenda, skip for today (regrets Steve Manning)
5. ITEM: Proposal for new Tech Comm. Subcommittee
* Discuss how this was received at CMS/DITA NA Conference, and close
6. New ITEM: Specialization spec packaging (Kravogel via Gershon)
7. New ITEM: processing-role attribute (Anderson)
8. New ITEM: Critdates requires created (Kimber)
* and following
9. New ITEM for 1.3: Element-to-Element Relationship Tables (ExternalLinks)
* (Kimber)
* Log on the DITA 1.3 issues list and close for now
10. New ITEM: What should be in the Architectural Specification? (Eberlein)
11. ITEM: review Master Topic List--Gershon
* Subversion clients:
o Tortoise:
o Eclipse and oXygen:
o Action: Gershon to add content to Wiki regarding basic tasks
* latest spreadsheet: (no updates this week)
9:50-9:55 Announcements/Opens
9:55 Adjourn
Meeting Statistics |
Quorum rule |
51% of voting members |
Achieved quorum |
true |
Counts toward voter eligibility |
true |
Individual Attendance |
Members: 12 of 171 (7%) Voting Members: 8 of 15 (53%) (used for quorum calculation) |
Company Attendance |
Companies: 10 of 59 (16%) Voting Companies: 7 of 10 (70%) |