Description: Tuesday, 20 April 04:00PM London/Dublin / 08:00 AM PST
International Dial-In: +44 118 376 9023
Meeting ID: 30543
Agenda: Agenda:
1. Roll Call
2. Accept, Amend or Reject Previous Meeting Minutes:
3. Work in Progress:
a. Represetation Guides:
i. HTML / RTF:
-Language switching:
-"ElemType_header" complex type:
ii. WinRes (John, Yves) - ???
iii. Resx (Enda, Gerard) -
iv. Java Property Resource Bundles (Tony)- ???
v. Java Properties (John) -
vi. XForms ( Andrzej ) - ???
4. Bugs, Submissions for new features, problem reports, etc.
a. 'choice' in the "ElemType_header" (John)
Bryan - proposal to resolve at our next meeting:
b. Andrzej: Adding inline term info to XLIFF
c.Andrzej: Translations Grouped Across rans Units.
d.Mat: Translation of Voice XML Issues
5. Status Report from Segmentation SC (Magnus)
6. XLIFF Generic XML parser - Follow up (Bryan)
7. OASIS Registry of XLIFF Implementations
OASIS has created a registry of standards & spec implementations.
Anyone can post their info:
8. Industry Events:
a. report from UNICODE
b. Upcoming events with XLIFF on agenda
1.LISA Summit San Francisco, CA, USA - June 21 - 23, 2004
2.Localization World: June 30 and July 1, Bonn Germany
3.Localization Summer School: 1-4 June 2004, Limerick Ireland
9. All Other Business.
10. Next XLIFF teleconference scheduled for Tuesday, 18 May, 2004 at 4pm GMT / 11am EST / 8am PST.
Minutes: 1/ Roll Call
There were 14 present as recorded in kavi.
Apologies: Andrzej
2/ The minutes of the last meeting was agreed as a correct record. Proposed John and seconded Magnus.
3/ Work in Progress:
Representation Guides:
i. HTML / RTF:
Bryan explained his addition to John’s proposal for this bug fix. This has the occurrence attributes at the parent element and removed from the child element. See for more information. It was agreed that this is a bug fix and should be done. Tony is to look at our revision policy and post this as specified by that policy.
-Language switching:
Yves brought up an issue relating to language switching. His recommendation of using a span element was agreed.
x-html- (From Yves)
The issue is that there are very few HTML elements that have a corresponding pre-define restype value. Because when you map all the elements you have to know that information, we have to define a mechanism for the elements without corresponding restype values.
The mechanism is to use x-html- where is the lowercase name of the element.
The question was: Should we use that mechanism for ALL elements (therefore being consistent within the HTML extraction and easier for programming), or should we use it only when a pre-define value does not exist (better for interoperability). In other words, when we have should we use restype='table' or restype='x-html-table'?
The general consensus was that interoperability was better, so we should try to use pre-defined values first. John noted that we even have explicit reference to HTML in the list of pre-defined values.
The result was the decision of building a list of all HTML elements and assigning each a restype value so the developer knows exactly what to do.
Bryan pointed out that we had already a start list in the current draft. I took the action item to work on it and post an update.
The issue of using x-html- for HTML tags was raised and will be discussed later. We also discussed whether all HTML tags should be used in XLIFF
ii. WinRes (John, Yves) – nothing to report
iii. Resx (Enda, Gerard) – At our next meeting we will discuss the email from Gerard on Representing .NET Winforms in Xliff
iv. Java Property Resource Bundles (Tony)-
v. Java Properties (John) –Tony and John to work on the Java issues.
vi. XForms ( Andrzej ) – Andrzej has apologised as he was at a conference so this issue will be discussed at a future meeting
4/ Bugs
As Mat and Andrzej were not present this was deferred to our next meeting.
5/ Status Report from Segmentation SC (Magnus)
Magnus reported back from this sub committee. It is continuing its work and has met a number of times since the last meeting. Magnus mentioned an interesting email conversation between Andrzej and Magnus which can be found at
Next Segmentation meeting: April 27th.
6/ XLIFF Generic XML parser - Follow up (Bryan)
Bryan briefly mentioned the XLIFF parser he had worked on. Tony mentioned that this was well worth looking at and could be used as a demo.
7/ OASIS Registry of XLIFF Implementations
OASIS has created a registry of standards & spec implementations.
Anyone can post their info: . Tony encouraged TC members to submit XLIFF tools to this registry.
8/ Industry Events:
a. report from UNICODE
Tony, Peter, Yves and Shigemichi attended this conference. There were a number of speakers who mentioned XLIFF in a very positive light.
b. Upcoming events with XLIFF on agenda
1.LISA Summit San Francisco, CA, USA - June 21 - 23, 2004
2.Localization World: June 30 and July 1, Bonn Germany
3.Localization Summer School: 1-4 June 2004, Limerick Ireland
A number of people from the TC are attending these conferences. Anyone interested in running a workshop at the Localization World workshop should contact Tony or Peter asap.
9/ Any Other Business - none
10/ Next XLIFF teleconference scheduled for Tuesday, 18 May, 2004 at 4pm GMT / 11am EST / 8am PST.
Achieved quorum: true
Counts toward voter eligibility: true
Individual Attendance- Members: 14 of 41 (34%)
- Voting Members: 13 of 17 (76%) (used for quorum calculation)
Company Attendance- Companies: 9 of 19 (47%)
- Voting Companies: 9 of 10 (90%)
Quorum rule: 51% of voting members