Description: Face-to-Face Meeting New Orleans, LA
Agenda: LegalXML Member Section
Electronic Court Filing Technical Committee
Face to Face Meeting
Thursday and Friday, April 28 and 29, 2005
Marriott New Orleans
Balcony M
Meeting details
The meeting on Thursday will begin at 9:00 amand conclude at 5:00 pm. The meeting on Friday will begin at 8:00 amand conclude at 4:00 pm. Coffee will be available at 8:00 AM, 10:30 AMand 3:30 PMeach day in the Balcony Foyer. A buffet luncheon will be held from 12:00 PM - 2:00 PMon Thursday in the Riverview Restaurant and on Friday in Balcony N.
All TC participants will be required to pay a fee of $30 per day to cover OASIS’s costs for meeting space, lunch and coffee service.
The TC will conduct two conference telephone calls during the face to face meeting. The details of the calls are set forth below:
Leader's Name: John Greacen
Day/Date: Thursday, April 28, 2005
Time of call: 4:00 pmCentral time (5:00 pmEastern, 3:00 pmMountain, 2:00 pmPacific)
Conference Dial-in: 512-225-3050
Conference Guest Code: 84759#
Number of lines needed: Anticipated Total = 40
Duration of the call: 1 Hour
Leader's Phone Number: 505-780-1450
Day/Date: Friday, April 29, 2005
Time of call: 3:00 pmCentral time (4:00 pmEastern, 2:00 pmMountain, 1:00 pmPacific)
Conference Dial-in: 512-225-3050
Conference Guest Code: 84759#
Number of lines needed: Anticipated Total = 40
Duration of the call: 1 Hour
Leader's Phone Number: 505-780-1450
Meeting agenda
Review of the version 9 of the requirements document – limit to two hours
Design for the Court Filing Blue schemas – Eric Tingom
Review of the specification strawman – Eric Tingom
Developing a plan for completion of our work by July 1
Confirmation of moderators for each segment of the specification and schemas
Determining dependencies among work products
Developing a timeline for those products
How we can keep to the agreed upon timeline
Other items of interest to the members