See the private action item for dial in details
A. Admin
1- Roll call
? out of 5 voters:
aprove minutes from 12th June 2018
B. Material
OM wiki needs aligned with current JLIFF structure as per 0.9.7
Consensus on boolean vs a yes/no enumeration restated:
Stick with yes/no enumeration becuase boolean default is false, while XLIFF defaults are yes.
Previous Consensus restated::
Don't use external context for extensions.
All extension context must be stated inline to avoid parsing external context files..
We also agreed that having a dedicated extension container is more validation friendly than just allowing additional properties on the root structure..
-Continue discussing pros and cons of the extensionsData approach
compare with XML and consider going back and forth between XML and JSON.
Robert: look into mtc:match: Add "domains" to translationCandidatesMatch.
Robert: remove Tools Annotations from , add to the structural elements (file, group, unit)
Robert: create RegEx for value of annotatorsRef
Robert: Serialize annotatorsRef as an dictionary.
Robert: Serialize domains as a non-zero length array
Next Agenda: Feedback on prefix solutions
David: Get feedback on the yes|no question
3- TBX Mapping
TBX-Basic mapping is in order, almost done on TBXInfo
C- Other Topics
3- Promotion
Also Phil JLIFF library open sourcing was announced in the GALA week
GALA TAPICC needs to work on launching JLIFF based Track 2
Will probably launch by end of June
4- AOB
1- Date of next meeting
Tentative 10th July 2018
Minutes: # OMOS 2018-06-26 #
Present: phil (minutes), robert, david, james
Approve minutes from 12/6
rve seconded
df: I can see that chanes were made in the repo
...I updated phil on the change of boolean values to yes/no enumeration
...did you check phil?
pr: no sorry I didn't have a chance
df: the reasons for this change are agreed amongst others
rve: in principle not much difference
...but in programming languages generally bool defaults to false
...but in omos we want default to by `yes`
df: extensions separator is colon
...latest commit refers to addition of lang we haven't yet introduced teh underscore separators
rve: json-ld would try to resolve colon separated names
df: would we use underscore or dash
rve: it does not matter in schema but for implementers? some languages you can reference properties as language identifiers
...strings are dictionary keys
df: AI for Phil to check as an implementer whether dash or underscore are preferable
rve: .NET tends to use underscores
...underscores are used very frequently in wsdl schemas
...I think underscore will be better
df: `annotatorsRef` of its, Robert did you make any progress on this?
rve: Not yet
df: stephen mentioned to approach as an array
...or as a regex
...we agreed on dictionary
rve: I don't recall if the dictionary keys are fixed
df: annotatorsRef can have multiple values where bar separates category and value
...consists of space separated lists of category|string
rve: actually I think I implemented this already
...if you look in the schema at line 867
...pattern is a sequence of characters except space or bar
df: the first part is always teh data category, the string pattern is the same for all values
rve: must be non-empty
...nice and simple
df: yes works well
...domain is the same
rve: I don't think there's much else to do
...toolsAnnotation is done
...lqi is done
...text analysis is done
df: on localization note there is nothing
...terminology we have partially in core core there is sm of type term
rve: I think that is done
df: so we have covered the core but there is also ITS part
...this is its specific
...for full support of terminology
...termConfidence, this is again can be on `sm`
rve: same as taConfidence
df: also mtConfidence
rve: I can move forward with these changes
df: probably you cannot capture that termConfidence requires cooccurance constraint of annotatorsRef must be given
rve: some can be represented but it is limited
...a dependence constraint can be added to the schema
df: so last remaining is mtConfidence
rve: should I start using underscores for modules?
df: please change the version number
## TBX ##
df: TAPICC XLIFF extracion paper will go for public review soon through GALA on 28
...its on GitHub
[draft]( covers a gap
## Next Meeting ##
10th July 2018
Meeting Statistics |
Quorum rule |
51% of voting members
Achieved quorum |
yes |
Individual Attendance |
Contributing Members: 4 of 18 (22%) Voting Members: 4 of 5 (80%) (used for quorum calculation)
Company Attendance |
Contributing Companies: 4 of 15 (26%) Voting Companies: 4 of 5 (80%)