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1/ Roll call
2/ Approve Tuesday, 20 March 2012 meeting minutes:
3/ XLIFF 2.0 (
1. Features proposed and seconded between meetings via mailing list, and features mentioned
a. Proposed and seconded: (B25) Preserve metadata without using extensibility" ( )
- Extensibility sub thread (
- Implementing extensions sub thread ( )
Note: Listing items from email threads between meetings. But any feature/issue may be brought to the floor.
b. Overloaded
c. String length constraint (should be added to wiki)
d. Attributes for translation candidates
e. Unified XML schema for XLIFF 2.0
f. Generic mechanism for translation candidate elements and other annotations
2. XLIFF 2.0 Technical work
a. Approved (
b. Proposed (
c. Discarded ( )
3. XLIFF 2.0 Technical issues (
a. Source read-only or not? (
4. Conformance criteria
4/ Sub Committee Reports
1. Inline text (Yves)
2. XLIFF Promotion and Liaison SC Charter (David)
a. David formally proposes to create a formal liaison with MultilingualWeb-LT and nominate Arle Lommel to serve as the first XLIFF TC liaison on MultilingualWeb-LT ( )
b. XLIFF support in CAT tools Survey (
5/ Current XLIFF business
Note: moved XLIFF, TM, Glossary, Segmentation and Using other standards off current business agenda (assume they are covered on wiki proposed featutres and inline text SC). If my assumption is incorrect - please let me know.
1. Normalized the state values in wiki
2. Propose limiting the number of features in the wiki (Rodolfo)
3. Proposed OASIS XLIFF TC liaison with MultilingualWeb-LT (David)
6/ New Business
Meeting Statistics |
Quorum rule |
51% of voting members
Achieved quorum |
yes |
Individual Attendance |
Contributing Members: 19 of 33 (57%) Voting Members: 19 of 21 (90%) (used for quorum calculation)
Company Attendance |
Contributing Companies: 12 of 19 (63%) Voting Companies: 12 of 12 (100%)