Monthly ECF TC Conference Call

When:  Aug 8, 2006 from 13:00 to 14:00 (ET)
Description: Monthly ECF TC Conference Call. Call in number 1-641-297-5800 Access code 2892164

Agenda: Our next monthly conference call will be next Tuesday, August 8th, at 1:00 pm Eastern (10:00 am Pacific). The call in information is Call in number               1-641-297-5800 Access code                 2892164 Our tentative agenda includes the following: 1.  Status of the KAVIvotes on ECF3.01 and the charters for the Documents and Conformance Subcommittees – John and Tom 2.  Status of the planning for the NYC face to face meeting – John and Tom 3.  Status of definition suggestions for the XSTF– Robin Gibson 4.  Designation of Jim Harrisas our liaison to the new OASIS Code List Representation TC– Tom Clarke 5.  Reconsideration of our decision to postpone action on the new OASIS Intellectual Property options until our December face to face meeting – John Greacen (see background information below) 6.  Other matters of interest to the members Background on the IP policy issue There are no prospects that additional IP options will become available before April 2007 – the date by which we must accomplish our transition to one of the three official OASIS IP modes.  If we take action on the IP issue now, we can conclude our charter revisions in a single action.  The OASIS IP Transition Policy, which can be found at, limits our choice to one of the two Royalty Free IP modes.  The Member Section Steering Committee takes the position that all LegalXMLMember Section Technical Committees must adopt the Royalty Free on Limited Terms IP mode, set forth in Sections 10.2.1 and 10.2.3 of the OASIS Intellectual Property Policy, which can be found at  The adoption process is complicated.  First, 50% of our TCQualified Members must have signed the OASIS Membership Agreement.  A TCQualified Member is “either a TCIndividual Voting Member or an OASIS Organizational Member that has at least one voting member in the TCat the time the TCIndividual Voting Members approve the Transition Request and has signed the new Membership Agreement.”  I will ask OASIS whether we have reached that threshold. Second, 50% of our voting members (using our regular TCvoting list) must approve a Transition Request setting forth the IP mode on which we want to take a formal vote.  The Transition Request is sent to the TCAdministrator, Jamie Clark. Third, Jamie conducts a Transition Approval Ballot.  “Only TCQualified Members may vote in a Transition Approval ballot, and each may cast only a single vote. The ballot will allow for YES, NO, or ABSTAIN votes.  Approval of a Transition Approval Ballot requires i) a minimum of 50% of all TCQualified Members to vote, ii) no NOvotes cast and iii) one or more YES votes.” Fourth, the TCcan conduct any number of such ballots until it succeeds in approving a new IP mode.  If it has not succeeded by April 2007, the TCwill be disbanded.


Meeting Statistics
Quorum rule 51% of voting members
Achieved quorum true
Counts toward voter eligibility true
Individual Attendance Members: 13 of 52 (25%)
Voting Members: 10 of 14 (71%) (used for quorum calculation)
Company Attendance Companies: 11 of 27 (40%)
Voting Companies: 10 of 12 (83%)