Standing XLIFF Teleconference (Bi-Weekly)

When:  Nov 11, 2003 from 16:00 to 17:30 (UTC)
Description: Tuesdays 04:00PM London/Dublin / 08:00 AM PST International Dial-In: +44 118 376 9023 Meeting ID: 30543

Agenda: 1/Roll Call 2/Review and accept previous meeting minutes as formal record, amending if necessary ( 3/Revised XLIFF 1.1 specification: Spec and XSD revised as a result of peer review and typo's found by Tony J. Revised spec and xsd dated 31 Oct 2003 were approved as Committee Specifications in recent ballot -> Next steps: submit to OASIS standard review. 4/Reminder - Face to Face (F2F) - 8AM EST / 1PM GMT / 5AM PST Friday 12 Dec, Washington DC. Discuss proposals for agenda items, topics, etc. 5/Any other business 6/Next meeting proposed for Tuesday 25 Nov 2003 at 4pm GMT

Minutes: Meeting Minutes XLIFF TC Nov-11 1. Roll Call Present: Tony, Matt, Mark, David, Gérard, Yves, John, Brian, Doug and Edna. Peter send his apologies. 2. Previous minutes John moved to accept the previous minutes. Yves seconded. 3 The Revised Specification The vote is closed. The revised specification was accepted. John didn't vote because 'row' was removed on purpose (was a XUL element) at some point during the specification definition and he felt the example should have been corrected rather than the XSD. Tony mentioned 'row' was also an Oracle element. Since it's not a big issue, the subject is closed. We cannot submit the 1.1 specification to OASIS committee because we don't have 3 company-members to give an affidavit that they are using XLIFF. Oracle will provide one soon. BowneGlobal will most likely do this too soon. That leaves one more needed. Tony is expecting a template email from Karl Best (not received so far). Tony will make private phone calls to find one or more volunteers. He will also send Karl's template to company-members when he'll receive it. 4. Face to Face Meeting Friday Dec-12, in Washington DC, at the LISA forum. We are planning an 8am start. John, Tony, and Yves will be there (Yves can't make it more that the first hour, as his XML workshop has been moved that day). Gérard may be there too, depending among other things on the agenda. Agenda - The discussion then went on about the agenda: The resulting rough consensus for now is the following items: - Debriefing on what we learn from 1.1 - Complementary work for 1.1 (profiles, cookbook, etc.) - Rough requirements for the next version. Most of the discussion was about whether or not 2.0 should be discussed. Some feel strongly against and want to finish all side-work on 1.1 before moving on. Some noted that some of the 1.1 work left (profiles, cookbook) will be useful for 2.0 requirements anyway. Long time ago we talked about open-source filters, this could be a topic too. Also: possibly working with a third party for an XLIFF certification. Tony will write up an agenda and send it next Monday. Any suggestion should be send to him by the end of the week. Face-to-Face itself – Gerard asked about the capabilities (video? etc.) We probably won't have video. Tony thinks we can get on an "online desktop": iMeeting browser based to help out the sharing of info. 5. Other business Tony ask if there were any other business? None were raised. The next meeting is Nov-23rd. Meeting adjourned. Action Items: - Tony: Contact company-members to try to get some to write up an affidavit so we can submit 1.1. - Tony: Send Karl's affidavit template to company-members when he gets it. - All: send suggestions for the agenda of the Face-to-Face meeting.


Achieved quorum: true
Counts toward voter eligibility: true

Individual Attendance
  • Members: 8 of 41 (19%)
  • Voting Members: 5 of 17 (29%) (used for quorum calculation)
Company Attendance
  • Companies: 6 of 19 (31%)
  • Voting Companies: 4 of 10 (40%)

Quorum rule: 51% of voting members