Description: Standing XLIFF TC Teleconference (Weekly)
Tuesdays 04:00PM London/Dublin / 08:00 AM PST
International Dial-In: + 44 118 376 9023
Meeting ID: 30543
Agenda: 1. Roll Call
2. Accept / Reject previous meeting minutes:
3. Discuss and vote on Enda's "state" attributes values list proposal: Major issue to be resolved is if "finished", a value proposed by Bryan, should be added to the list.
4. Design loophole - XLIFF permits multiple languages in single XLIFF document, so that you could create one file that contains multilingual resources for all langs. For example, a single XLIFF document container could consist of multiple files with source-target pairs like: english/french, italian/spanish, german/portuguese. This loophole stretches the design intent of XLIFF, and means that the content of such a document would not be exchangeable between localization tools that operate on the bilingual model.
Discuss if it is feasible to limit within the XSD that only bilingual or monolingual language may be specified per XLIFF document, or if we should indicate through prose in the spec that only a single bilingual source/language pair should be contained within the same file, or if we should indicate anything about this loophole at all in the spec (ie, leaving it open to implementor to possibly exploit this loophole).
5.Plans and timetable for XLIFF 1.1 committee spec approval.
6.Any other business.
Next meeting Tuesday, 22 April 2003, 4pm London/Dublin, 8am PST
Minutes: Xliff TC Teleconference Meeting - 15th April 2003
1. - Roll Call
Present - Tony, John, Bryan, Enda, Gerard, Cristian, Matt, Shigamichi, Mirek, Milan, Reinhard
Apologies - Yves, Mark, Peter, Doug
2. Last week's minutesJohn moved to accept the minutes, and Reinhard seconded. The minutes were accepted.
3. State Attribute
Enda explained his document/proposal. This basically outlines 3 issues for the TC
a. Add Finished to the state attribute list?
b. Split the state attribute value list into two lists, state and state-qualifier?
c. Move the workflow items to phase.?
Much discussion ensued, the following is the outcome..
It has been decided to add 'final' to the list of state values.
Also, other values have been amended; here is a list of the basic translation states that were decided upon.
new (new item added since last release)
needs-translation (only the text needs translation)
needs-l10n (both text and non-textual information* needs localisation)
needs-adaption (only non-textual information needs adaptation)
needs-review-translation (only the text needs review)
needs-review-l10n (both text and non-textual information needs review)
needs-review-adaption (only non-textual information needs review)
leveraged (indicates a change was made by an automated process
translated (indicates )
signed-off (inidcates that changes are reviewed and approved)
final (indicates the terminating state**)
It is expected that a segment pass through these, or a subset of these states during localisation.
* Non-textual information refers to information such as co-ordinates, font information, mirroring, etc.
** Signed off may also be used as a terminating state
b. With regard to the other possible states, i.e.
exact-match, fuzzy-match, id-match, leveraged-glossary, leveraged-inherited, leveraged-mt, leveraged-repository, leveraged-tm, rejected-grammer, rejected-inaccurate, rejected-length, rejected-spelling, suggestion, mt-suggestion, tm-suggestion
The outstanding question is whether to leave these in the state attribute or to add a new qualifier attribute for this information.
The main item for consideration is that with the basic list of states (listed in point a), the values are mutually exclusive, a target will have only one of these values. With the second group (listed in point b), there is the need to have combinations of values - Eg. leveraged-tm, and rejected-length
In order to get the full TC's opinion on whether to group everything into one attribute (state), or split into two (state and state-qualifer), Tony will compile a ballot on this issue and forward it to the list.
In the interests of releasing 1.1 in a timely fashion, Christian agreed to pull back his suggested workflow values from the state attribute. It was decided that this is a large area and should not be rushed in at this stage.
So, some outstanding issues to be considered in the future are...
not translatable - this is a possible value of the state attribute which suggests items should never be touched
language specific instruction (eg. not translatable for Greek, or Locked for Russian)
workflow we need to examine how we would handle some aspects of workflow.
As it was getting late at this point, it was decided not to conitinue with the other items on teh agenda at this time. Christian move to adjourn, Enda seconded and the meeting was adjourned.
Achieved quorum: true
Counts toward voter eligibility: true
Individual Attendance- Members: 11 of 41 (26%)
- Voting Members: 9 of 17 (52%) (used for quorum calculation)
Company Attendance- Companies: 7 of 19 (36%)
- Voting Companies: 6 of 10 (60%)
Quorum rule: 51% of voting members