Description: TC Administration call with Conveners
1-877-421-0029 pc 433623
International Access Numbers
If your country is not listed below, Toll-free dialing is not available. You should dial the ITN, Tieline or one of the Toll numbers listed below.
Australia: 1-800-24-2283
Austria: 0800-292-738 or +43 179576264
Belgium: 0800-7-3026 or +32 22006114
Canada: 877-421-0029
China North: 10800-711-0770
China South: 10800-110-0713
Czech Republic: 800-143-241 or +420-272-133-001 or +420-533-413-001
Denmark: 80-888377 or +45 38323070
Finland: 0800-914-630 or +358 972519061
France: 0800-902366 or +33 157323040 or +33 157323041
Germany: 0800-181-6323 or +49 6951709081
Greece: 00-800-11-004-9793
Hungary: 06-800-16-381
Ireland: 1800-558728 or +353 16569209
Israel: 1-809-317-098 or +972-3-9165956
Italy: 800-788634 or +39 0269430413
Mexico: 877-421-0029
Netherlands: 0800-022-8558 or +31 20513 4100
Norway: 800-18373 or +47 24159528
Poland: 0-0800-111-1712, IBM PlusGSM 85400, +48 22 366 5400 or +48 22 609 5400
Portugal: 800-8-11111
Russia: 8 10 800 2 172 10 44
Slovakia: +421 2 4954 6539 or +421 2 4964 9935
South Africa: 0800-981-078
Spain: 900-95-1089 or +34 912754171
Sweden: 020-799414 or +46 850163259
Switzerland: 0800-564-331 or +41 58 333 7337
United Kingdom: 0808-234-1969 or +44 2070260533
USA: 770-615-1246, Tie-Line 421-0029 or 1-877-421-0029
11am EDT / 8am PDT
Agenda: This is the teleconference required by our TC Process rules:
The participants will include the TC convener, the OASIS TC Administrator, and optionally other members of OASIS staff and TC proposers. Other interested OASIS members also are invited to observe.
The Proposed Charter can be found here:
- welcome
- identification of participants
- review of all comments received
- staff comments
- review of any action items
- recruiting
- marketing
- review of remaining schedule