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Agenda: +++++++++++++++++++++++
1/ Roll call
2/ Approve previous meeting minutes:
Accept, reject, or amend. (
3/ Announcements
A. TC Roles
- Peter Reynolds' company has chosen not to renew their OASIS membership. Peter thanks the TC, wishes us well, and resigns his position as secretary
- Rodolfo informed the chairs that he intends to rejoin OASIS in February, and rejoin the XLIFF TC. He said he will be happy to return to his role of editor
- Doug will fill in as acting editor for remaining XLIFF 1.2 tasks (until Rodolfo returns)
B. Call for TC members to encourage OASIS member organizations to vote for XLIFF 1.2 - Official OASIS ballot began January 2, 2008 (thanks to everyone for making this happen). OASIS member organizations have until 15 January to familiarize themselves with the submission.
On 16 January, a Call For Vote will be issued to all Voting Representatives of OASIS member organizations. They will have until the last day of January, inclusive, to cast their ballots on whether this Committee Specification should be approved as an OASIS Standard or not.
C. Call for a volunteers to test XLIFF code and content in Eric's representation guide (ICU Resource Bundle), in preparation for voting its TC approval
4/ XLIFF 2.0 Goals (
A. Reports from Requirements owners on status of requirement
B. Continue to classify remaining Potential Goals (Must Have, Should Have, Nice to Have)
C. XLIFF 2.0 Requirements Document draft
D. When does it become time to begin to write the actual "XLIFF Version 2.0 Working Draft"?
5/ Doug to summarize his proposed solution to Asgeir Frimannsson's Errata suggestions (
Asgeir's suggestions are collected here:
( "Issues collected from xliff-comment list"
A. Small inconsistency between the schema and specification with regards to count-type attribute values (
B. The 'datatype' attribute is specified with a default value of 'Empty string'. This should be 'undefined' (
C. Schema glitch in element definition (
D. Tool element inconsistency between spec and schema (schema allows text) (
E. Content Model for element enforces order (
F. Suggestion for schema cleanup towards 2.0 (
G. Implementer FAQ Entry / Suggestion (
6/ XLIFF Webinar? (
7/ Rodolfo suggests the TC charter may need a review and update (
8/ Reports from liaisons involved with other standards groups:
A. W3C i18n
B. Oscar
D: OASIS DITA Translation Subcommittee
9/ Any Other Business
Minutes: +++++++++++++++++++++++
1/ Roll call
Attendees: Eric, Asgeir, Doug, Milan, Christian, Bryan
Apologies: Magnus, Tony
2/ Approve previous meeting minutes:
Accept, reject, or amend. (
Move to approve: Doug; Second: Bryan - No objections; minutes approved as official record.
3/ Announcements
Announced farewell to Peter (and many thanks for his contributions), announced Rodolfo's intention to rejoin the TC in February (and to renew his position as editor), announced gratitude to Doug for filling in as editor for the remaining XLIFF 1.2 work.
Announced official XLIFF 1.2 ballot for OASIS standard. Email will go out from Bryan and Tony encouraging TC members to lobby for affirmative votes. We have a good start, based on the members of the TC, and people we've gotten affidavits from. But we'll probably need members to spread the word.
Announced plans to vote to pass Eric's representation guide (ICU Resource Bundle).
4/ XLIFF 2.0 Goals
Visited each goal. Mentioned plans to work on requirements document. The XLIFF 2.0 activities are thought to be poised for some very good activity once the XLIFF 1.2 ballot concludes. TC members expressed optimism. Christian commented on some of the improvements and potentials. Asgeir noted that he has some ideas that he will start in an email thread.
5/ Doug to summarized his proposed solution to Asgeir Frimannsson's Errata suggestions ( Asgeir expressed his gratitude to Doug for his prompt and correct responses.
6/ XLIFF Webinar: Bryan said he still wants to do one in the future, but said it was probably unrealistic to hope for a webinar in the XLIFF 1.2 ballot timeframe.
8/ Reports from liaisons involved with other standards groups:
A. W3C i18n
Christian reported the ITS group is on the verge of releasing a Best Practices for XML Internationalization (maybe January 24th). He encouraged us to take a look at it.
Meeting Statistics |
Quorum rule |
51% of voting members |
Achieved quorum |
true |
Counts toward voter eligibility |
true |
Individual Attendance |
Members: 6 of 34 (17%) Voting Members: 5 of 9 (55%) (used for quorum calculation) |
Company Attendance |
Companies: 6 of 22 (27%) Voting Companies: 5 of 9 (55%) |