Setting the recurring meeting schedule for 2015.
DITA Adoption/TechComm SC Meeting Agenda
A. Adoption White Papers In Review/Approval
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1. Release Management:
a. Updated sources and PDF at:
b. Tom:
- DITA-OT plug-in status??
c. Dave:
AI/Review Keith ’s revised example and refactor (if
necessary) your work with the POI plug-in
AI/Upload a POI plug-in to generate Excel workbooks
from DITA metadata
2. DITA 1.3 From A-Z:
- Keith: Internal review status
B. Adoption White Papers In Progress
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1. Late-June/Early July
a. DITA 1.3 Help (Chris Goolsby; confirmed)
2. July+
a. DITA 1.3 Learning and Training (Mark Myers,
Jennifer Gemmell; date not confirmed)
b. DITA 1.3 Scoped Keys Overview (Chris Nitchie;
date not confirmed)
c. DITA 1.3 Scoped Keys Tutorial (Leigh White;
date not confirmed)
d. Content Referencing Practices (Dawn Stevens;
date not confirmed)
C. Adoption White Paper Candidates
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1. URI-Key Migration
AI/Jane-Jennifer: Work through the DITA sample
with Stilo (Patrick Baker at Stilo)
2. Branch filtering - Owner????
a. Team
Look for examples of large maps that would
demonstrate how branch filtering and scoped keys
might be explained in a whitepaper.
b. Stan:
AI/Validate the two community-submitted samples of
complex maps:
- Oxygen Users Guide (George Bina)
- NetInstruments (Leif Erikson)
- Joe Golner - GitHub - training map for DITA 1.2
Eliot also using it for sample keyscope
See DITAwriter site for info . . .
D. Information Modeling
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1. Troubleshooting domain:
Dave Helfinstine moved that the Troubleshooting topic type
be added to the DITA 1.3 ditabase grammar file.
2. Regulatory / Policy writing
a. Team:
AI/Review Bob's updated Regulatory/Policy
3. Flowchart specialization(s):
a. Stan
AI/Contact Jang Graat about the current status
of his workflow XSLs et al..
AI/Contact France Baril about the current status
of her BPMN-to-DITA XSL.
E. TC/SC Administration
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1. DITA TC request:
Kris (and others) on the 04-06 requested that the
Adoption TC provide updates on when DITA 1.3
whitepapers would be coming up for technical review by
individual TC members.
> Monthly update to TC??
> Link to our existing whitepaper schedule in the
TC weekly agenda??
2. OASIS whitepaper plug-in
Bob - Upload the latest OASIS transform to Kavi.
3. Whitepaper process description
Stan - draft and forward to JoAnn for first review.