See the private action item for dial in details
A Admin
1. Rollcall
2. Approve meeting minutes from Jan 12 meeting
B Material:
1. technical deliverables
wiki request
spec git request
a. JSON Serialization
Template request: JLIFF V1
Working list discussion:
b. Approach to OM
Template request: XLIFF 2 Object Model V1
c. TBX Basic Mapping
Template request: TBX Mapping with XLIFF v2.0 and Higher Version 1.0
2. assignment of editor roles for the technical deliverables
Still no volunteers other than dF?
3. Yves' proposal to contribute the XLIFF Toolkit and Acorn projects on behalf of Okapi
4. update on TMX contribution
5. Liaisons
ARIP TC, XLIFF TC, TBX Steering Committee, any ISO TC 37 subcommittess? any more proposals
6. Promotion
CFP for 5th FEISGILTT 2016, 7th XLIFF Symposium, 1st TMX Symposium
C Wrap up
1. AOB
2. Summary of AIs assigned
3. Adjourn
A Admin
- Roll call (Meeting achieved quorum)
- Approval of meeting minutes
B Technical Deliverables
- Requests for 3 document templates (JLIFF V1, XLIFF 2 OM V1, TBX Mapping with XLIFF v2.0 and higher version 1.0), wiki, git (SVN) version control instances submitted
- JSON Serialization
dF: Brief summary of e-mail discussions, looking at best practices or recommended approaches. Good first steps.
Starting with “fragments” – how do we know which fragment it is?
Yves: Shouldn’t need to know, no need to have whole context, should be able to handle only a snippet
dF: Uniqueness issue as discussed on mailing list. I liked the first Yves approach with code numbers for different code types.
dF: How would we deal with other aspects of content, such as extended or module attributes?
Should we establish a differentiation between what is core and what is modular?
Hard to differentiate between segments and fragments of segment if all at the same level without duplicate keys.
<Ryan – bad audio, inaudible>
dF: Ryan would you please summarize your position after the call on the mailing list?
Yves: Need to put together example with simple unit to see whole hierarchy, including targets
Concerns about overhead when serializing a simple paragraph, for example <p>one line of text</p>. We should keep fragments as simple as possible.
dF: 3 things to tackle: approach to core/module/extension data, XLIFF fragment, and representation of inline content including target.
Need a lead editor for the JLIFF spec.
Yves: we start with collaboration on the wiki, then move towards spec.
dF: Sure, just wanted to assign an editor to drive the spec, some members such as MSFT have a very aggressive timeline in mind WRT the JSON serialization spec.
3. Assignment of editors – on hold. DF ok to table editors discussion until we have something tangible on the wiki (not yet available). Will ping Chet on the tickets, prioritizing the wiki.
4. XLIFF Toolkit and ACORN project contributions from Okapi. Ok to close this item. Contributions available in the TC document library
5. No update on TMX contribution
6. Liaisons – none listed yet on the webpage, but a few exist: ARIP TC (DF), XLIFF TC (Yves), TBX Steering Committee (Alan). No need for ISO TC 37 liaison.
7. Promotion
GALA briefing last week (webinar)
7th XLIFF Symposium – CFP still open, under LocWorld webpage (FEISGILTT)
1st TMX symposium will be included with next FEISGILTT.
C Wrap Up
- Alan: Do we have the reference to MSFT OM?
dF: Yes, link to MSFT XLIFF Object Model referenced in 1/12 minutes, Ryan sent the reference on mailing list, but (simple search on Git Hub will give you the same)
- Status of syntax for abstract OM for XLIFF – Alan’s contact recommended consulting with prof David Embley (specialized in data modelling)
- Next meeting on Feb 9th
- DF to ping Chet to get traction on Wiki (Action Item)
Meeting adjourned
Meeting Statistics |
Quorum rule |
51% of voting members
Achieved quorum |
yes |
Individual Attendance |
Contributing Members: 10 of 18 (55%) Voting Members: 10 of 11 (90%) (used for quorum calculation)
Company Attendance |
Contributing Companies: 9 of 14 (64%) Voting Companies: 9 of 9 (100%)