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Roadmap to Release of OASIS TAC Ontology 1.0
- Project Plan
- Recruit admin help
Form Ontology Development Working Group
- Roadmap to TAC Ontology completion
- Recruit ontology developers
- Technical Documentation
- Automated Ontology Documentation
- User Guide
- Implement a Comprehensive Context Definition for STIX 2.1
- Validate that all objects and properties are mapped within the @context
- User Guide Documentation
- STIX Relationship Object Axiomatization
- SWRL Rules to interpret SROs and create appropriate Object Properties
Form Ontology Documentation Working Group
- TAC Specification
- Recruit documentation help
Threat Intelligence Demonstration
- Easy of use
- Load selected STIX Reports (e.g. APT-1)
- Load MITRE ATT@CK (e.g. STIX 2.1 JSON)
- Execute SPARQL queries
User Adoption Campaign
- Graph DBs
- GraphDB [link]
- Stardog [link]
- Ontology editors
- Tutorials
- Download STIX 2.1 JSON from MITRE ATT@CK and load into graph DB
- Download TAC ontology and view in ontology editor
- Create TAC-specific SPARQL queries
- Open Cybersecurity Alliance Collaboration
- Volunteer for liaison and collaboration
- Use Case contribution
Meeting Statistics |
Quorum rule |
51% of voting members
Achieved quorum |
no |
Individual Attendance |
Observing Members: 1 of 7 (14%) Contributing Members: 4 of 32 (12%) Voting Members: 4 of 9 (44%) (used for quorum calculation)
Company Attendance |
Observing Companies: 1 of 2 (50%) Contributing Companies: 3 of 16 (18%) Voting Companies: 3 of 6 (50%)