Call details inside private AI:
Attendance: Tom, Bryan, Lucía, David F., Phil.
DavidF: Apologies for missing the last two meetings. We have quorum.
I. Approve April 17, 2018 meeting minutes I move to approve the meetings.
Tom: I second.
II. Where do we go next?
A. XLIFF 2.X wiki space for new features (Bryan)
B: We got some volunteers for some features. Steven signed up for some but he is not on the call. Phil signed up as well for other.
For 2.7 and 2.8 we still have no owners for that. Do we have somebody on the call who will be willing to volunteer for those?
Df: I can take 2.8 (rendering requirements) because I can take input from TAPPIC. There is a new community group in W3C for interlinear rendering representation. I will join the group if it will be formed. But, first we need to work on it here, before we bring our requirements elsewhere. We have already received some comments on rendering, for example, from Moravia. When we are talking about rendering, this is the time to talk about that. For example, if the order of nesting plays a role when rendering or not. It could be a module if we need it, but I do not think so.
B: That makes sense. We still have one item that does not have an owner: 2.7 SubSegment Matching and Referencing.
Df: Can we have a look at the history of this one?
[Bryan tries to find more information]
Df: From the owners that are on the call. Do we have anybody that can comment on theirs?
Ph: I am afraid that I cannot.
B: I have some thought a little about this. But I cannot comment on it yet.
Df: there is TBX mapping to glossary. It is not technically stable, but it will be next month. Souroush will be there in China on behalf of Canada for the TC37 meeting. The mapping would be defined for the most recent TBX basic.
Df: we talked in a previous meeting the TMX issue and how to address it. Without the mailing list traffic, we cannot make progress in the call.
B: I think TMX deserves some attention.
Df: Yves was reluctant to use candidates module for this, he proposed core instead. I can propose some ideas to discuss further on this topic.
B. Another topic to discuss TM Profile Note.
Df: this is connected with TMX.
B: I will remove this topic from the agenda, and we will address it together with the TMX discussion.
C. ISO approval
D. A Special Majority Ballot to approve submitting XLIFF V2.1 OS to ISO is approved
Df: The ballot succeeded. Chet told me that it would be for a month on review. The bad news is that they think that we will need to reformat to the ISO standard format. I will meet one of the responsible people, if any of the editors could join me, we will discuss this point with them. ISO is using another set of keywords. They have requirements for sections, and terminology. The TC will need to look at the formatting and confirm that it is just editorial changes. I will be reporting as it progresses.
E. IANA registration for Media Type application/xliff+xml (David)
This succeeded. Not so many OASIS standard have this.
B: This is very good news.
III. Subcommittee and sister TC reports
A. Promotion and Liaison SC (note, moved XLIFF 2.1 press release under this topic)
Df: About the report. I need to finish my action items that I have pending: approving tracking changes and contacting the developers for confirmation on two topics.
Df: I asked Souroush to inform SC5 that we are working on the submission. Missing a plenary means half-year delay. We have a good relationship with them. I have already talked about TBX. We are concentrating on TBX basic that we want to map with glossary, so we can interchange terminology data in industrial settings. Good news is that TBX is adopting more XML standard solutions. It was first developed as SGML, so there was some legacy on TBX. So these things are going away, for example abandoning DTD. They are adopting an approach that is inspired by our core-module approach. TBX Core is the smallest tbx, but then you can add metadata modules. They are adopting the XLIFF 2 inline data model within their core and dropping some bad legacy practices from TMX.
B: Impressive, very impressive.
B. XOMOS - Sister TC
It works on the tbx mapping. There are two other projects: abstract object module. It has the UML diagram for the object model. The other one is JLIFF, it is making some great progress. It is capable of expressing the core. Last time the schema expresses all core and 2.0 modules. And they are working on supporting the ITS module. It will have two branches: one for expressing 2.0 compatible documents, and the other one for 2.1 documents.
The tappic project, The new executive director will be in our TCs (both XLIFF and XOMOS). Their goal is to be able to provide TAPPIC deliverables officially to the TC. The standard API is the main develiverable but this will still take time, it mandates XLIFF 2. The TAPPIC will also work on real time exchange, and it will mandate JLIFF. The advantage is that it allows different levels of exchange. In JLIFF you can just exchange units, groups as you say fit. Phil developed a library for this, which is open source.
There is an interesting call for action. If you had a .NET extractor, you could try to connect with Phil's library and serialize directly to JLIFF. You should be able to use it in non-windows platforms. The projects that are going on the sister committee are very exciting.
B: That is very interesting. Another good news, the XLIFF roundtrip will become core part of DITA OT, I can share more information on that.
Df: I was in JIAMCATT last week. XLIFF is gaining foot there. Simone showed his extraction/merge tool for Umbraco. There is interest in creating Akoma Ntoso-XLIFF extractor. There was also interest in Drupal extraction.
B: It is under development. We have not worked since Drupal 6, and we have moved now to Drupal 8.
B: Meeting adjourned.
Meeting Statistics |
Quorum rule |
51% of voting members
Achieved quorum |
yes |
Individual Attendance |
Contributing Members: 5 of 32 (15%) Voting Members: 5 of 6 (83%) (used for quorum calculation)
Company Attendance |
Contributing Companies: 4 of 16 (25%) Voting Companies: 4 of 5 (80%)