See the private action item for dial in details
A. Admin
1- Roll call
[7 voters in total]
2- Minutes from Dec 13
dF: I move these are meetings of record, do I have a second?
B. Material
OASIS GitHub Repository URL:
Primary Maintainer: David Filip
Backup Maintainer: Felix Sasaki
If you do a full checkout of the Repo you can edit it in Papyrus as described by Chase on the XLIFF OMOS Wiki
Repository URL;:
Primary Maintainer: Robert van Engelen
Backup Maintainer: Chase Tingley
Feel free to use all available Repo features, including Issues and Wiki
Check content of 3 OASIS provided .md files for high level instructions / guidance regarding the use of publicly accessible GitHub repository for TC chartered work
Most committees members have GitHub accounts =>
AI All to follow the repositories (From main repository page, click on “Watch” icon to follow what happens in the repository).
3- TBX Mapping
Continue work on SVN:
Link to latest Editors' Draft of TBX mapping:
AI James and dF to schedule 1:1 editorial call for follow-up. Good progress.
C. Other Topics
1- Date of next meeting?
· Normally on Jan 24, 2017.
2- Liaisons
TBX Steering Committee / ISO TC37/SC3
XLIFF TC - XLIFF 2.1 CSPRD01 launched on 26th October, will end on 25th November
Review closed, significant cahnges under way:
Do subscribe to the comment list
if you're not a member of the XLIFF TC you can only comment through the comment list (if you have a subscription)
You may follow the CTR discussion here
3- Promotion
dF: I will talk on XML Prague about the ITS module in XLIFF 2.1
Anyone else have any promotion stuff to report?
4- AOB
A. Admin
1- Roll call
5 of 7 voters present => quorum achieved
2- Minutes from Dec 13
dF: I move these are meetings of record, Chase second, no dissent => minutes approved.
B. Material
OASIS GitHub Repository URL:
Primary Maintainer: David Filip
Backup Maintainer: Felix Sasaki
If you do a full checkout of the Repo you can edit it in Papyrus as described by Chase on the XLIFF OMOS Wiki
Little progress on diagram made by David before Christmas.
Feel free to contact David if need help with Papyrus.
Repository URL;:
Primary Maintainer: Robert van Engelen
Backup Maintainer: Chase Tingley
Feel free to use all available Repo features, including Issues and Wiki
Check content of 3 OASIS provided .md files for high level instructions / guidance regarding the use of publicly accessible GitHub repository for TC chartered work
Most committees members have GitHub accounts => AI All to follow the repositories (From main repository page, click on “Watch” icon to follow what happens in the repository) / ONGOING
Question from Chase on approach to dealing with modules; does JLIFF make the same promises of conservation as XLIFF? How will the JLIFF serialization pass through a tool chain (multiple consumers)?
David: Yves had indicated that we need to invent modularization and extensibility mechanism for JLIFF. In prior discussions with Robert, we had agreed we need to look into module and extensibility (Robert has an AI to look into that, as most of us are not very familiar with JSON). This TC likely to concentrate on fragment use-case, as JLIFF might allow us to define real-time exchange of fragments. To a certain extent, JLIFF has to make the same promises not to break the exchange, but likely to be implemented in another way due to limitations in expressivity. Persistence rules for the modules and extensions might need to be defined.
These topics need some follow-up discussion
Some confusion around: only required attribute in the JLIFF schema is “kind” / no default values defined anywhere? This should be clarified and documented on wiki.
Robert: very important to get feedback on issues and evolve content on wiki over time.
David: not sure if Chase’s architectural questions should be tracked as issues or on wiki. Those are not bugs, rather basic consderations, so a kind of road map on wiki seems more suitable..
Robert: could integrate views on modelling concerns on wiki. Start tracking as “input”, for discussion. There is a way in JSON schema to describe default values. Confident that XML and JSON are suitable to carry data around for the applications considered.
David: JLIFF use case different from XLIFF use case. XLIFF is round-trip oriented, with “persistent” travel from agent to agent. JLIFF is concentrated on real-time one-to-one exchanges (broker, service consumer)
Chase: default value issue solvable by adding some instructions to schema.
David: Moravia indicated JLIFF seems a good format for their MT broker. Model is expressive enough to express the core, but it’s still non-modularized and non-extended core. Hope to see further progress on wiki in coming weeks.
3- TBX Mapping
Continue work on SVN:
Link to latest Editors' Draft of TBX mapping:
AI James and dF to schedule 1:1 editorial call for follow-up. / PENDING
Nothing to report. Hope to schedule 1:1 meeting in next couple of weeks.
C. Other Topics
1- Date of next meeting?
- Normally on Jan 24, 2017.
- Robert will join but can only attend from 5:15 GMT or so, this conflict until April or so
- dF: Happy to accommodate Robert, we can start JLIFF stuff after Robert joins each time..
2- Liaisons
dF/James: TBX Steering Committee / ISO TC37/SC3 => Expect next TBX IS version in late 2017
dF: XLIFF TC - XLIFF 2.1 CSPRD01 launched on 26th October, will end on 25th November
Review closed, significant changes under way:
Do subscribe to the comment list
if you're not a member of the XLIFF TC you can only comment through the comment list (if you have a subscription)
You may follow the CTR discussion here
dF to connect Chase with Klaus Fleischmann (collecting metadata)
3- Promotion
dF will talk on XML Prague about the ITS module in XLIFF 2.1 in early February
4- AOB
Meeting adjourned at 5:47 GMT
Meeting Statistics |
Quorum rule |
51% of voting members
Achieved quorum |
yes |
Individual Attendance |
Contributing Members: 8 of 18 (44%) Voting Members: 6 of 7 (85%) (used for quorum calculation)
Company Attendance |
Contributing Companies: 8 of 14 (57%) Voting Companies: 6 of 7 (85%)