Regular business meeting
The following topics are up for discussion:
- Approve minutes from the December 12, 2016 meeting
- Elect a Secretary
- Discuss feedback on troubleshooting from Ericsson. Scott Hudson was the last one to reply to the email thread
- Continue the discussion about content models optimized for authoring
DITA Technical Communications Subcommittee
Minutes June 12, 2017
Robert Anderson
Scott Hudson
Bob Thomas
Scott offered WebEx for future meetings if Jane needs to withdraw.
We discussed a few elements in the hardware domain.
<keyboard> element. The DocBook name for this element is <key>. Robert felt that this could be semantically conflated with DITA keys, we all agreed, so <key> has been renamed to <keyboard>.
The other two elements in the hardware domain are <keycombo> and <systemitem>. <keycombo> has @action and <systemitem> has @type. In DocBook, these attributes are enumerations that further qualify the element content. Because DITA has no local way to introduce new attributes to specialized elements, we decided that these enumerations should utilize DITA @outputclass with the enumerations being provided in sample subject schemes.
Scott said that he is getting close to having straw models for the programming domain, the software domain, and the web services domain ready for review.
Scott discussed a use case where it is necessary to differentiate between a temporary workaround and a permanent resolution. Bob asked for some concrete examples with the goal of solving the problem using the current 1.3 <troubleshooting> markup. If that cannot be done, then we will consider potential changes to the model.
Robert suggested that we request OASIS GitHub repositories for the technical content spec and for the technical content doctypes. This is to be brought to the TC on June 13th.