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Access Code: 277-182-288
Meeting ID: 277-182-288
(meeting setup Courtesy of Yves)
Agenda: Agenda:
1/ Roll call
2/ Approve Tuesday, 16 November 2010 meeting minutes:
Accept, reject, or amend.
3/ Current XLIFF business
1. Conformance criteria
a. Ballot on *conformance criteria and processing requirements in xliff 2.0* passed as follows:
1. Each element and data type must be accompanied by clearly specified conformance criteria
2. Conformance criteria are only valid with specific targets (such as document, processor etc.)
3. Conformance criteria must be boolean, i.e. satisfied or failed, no shades of grey or levels of support.
4. Conformance criteria must include well-formedness (schema conformance) and processing requirements
5. Processing requirements must be defined in terms of well-formedness (schema conformance) and specific allowed values of elements and data types before and after processing.
b. Christian and Asgeir formulated Conformance targets thread
- Christian initiated the "Input to discussion on Conformance"
- Asgeir added a suggested approach (
2. Move our spec into Docbook (
a. Filter current spec into Docbook (Bryan)
b. Rodolfo to add Docbook spec to OASIS
3. ISO/OASIS XLIFF - XLIFF as an ISO standard (Peter's report)
4. RDF + XLIFF (Dimitra's report)
5. Christian's usage scenarios for having a MIME-type for XLIFF (
6. Christian's comments on "XLIFF at recent "W3C Workshop: The Multilingual Web - Where are We?"
4/ XLIFF Inline text SC report (LISA/OSCAR proposal to re-establish a partnership
in developing common text markup)
1. Yves' SC report
5/ XLIFF Symposium Debrief: "Voice of our customer"
Christian began the Consolidated takeaways wiki page (
Christian's slides:
The "Voice of the Customer": Place for all attendee to comments here: ( )
6/ Charter
The current charter is here: (
7/ XLIFF 2.0
1. Simplified XLIFF element tree (
and Christian's idea of Domains (
(we now have 4 approved new features and 11 proposed features to be evaluated)
2. Asgeir started a thread on multiple File elements (
- discuss this here, or move it to the Feature Tracking page?
3. Review items from XLIFF 2.0 Dashboard (
(move any items to Feature Tacking Section?)
4. Review items approved in section 1 (
5. Begin work evaluating proposed features
9/ Rodolfo raises questions regarding
1. "Translatable stuff in XLIFF 1.2"(
2. segmentation (
(note: this thread had many facets. The url above is the latest entry,
and also contains references to all the other email)
3. problems with seg-source (
10/ New Business
Minutes: 1) Quorum not achieved. Informal meeting. Present: Yves Savourel, Asgeir Frimannsson, David Filip, Rodolfo Raya, Andrew Swift, Christian Lieske (Christian joined late and we actually achieved quorum in the last 5 minutes).
2) David informed that Microsoft has a custom version of XLIFF for localization that looks good. It does not have have proprietary extensions.
3) David didn’t have time to work on the draft for the conformance section.
4) Yves informed that the Inline SC met last month and started working on the implementation.
5) David mentioned that Christian is working offline on the community voice.
6) It seems that the first feasible TC meeting would be on January 18th.
7) The convenience of having an extra level for holding elements in a dedicated container in XLIFF 2.0 was discussed. There are workarounds in XLIFF 1.2 that don’t seem to be the optimal solution, but work. Having metadata at level that applies to all elements seems good.
8) We had a brief discussion on how to proceed with the core module for XLIFF 2.0. It was agreed that it is not easy to write down a list of basic elements without having a list of modules. We will try to work with a list of processes instead.
9) Asgeir will be switching company on next weekend so he will temporarily leave the TC. We all hope to have him back as soon as possible, either as an individual member or representing his new company. Everyone on the call thanked Asgeir for his great contributions while representing Red Hat.
10) Call dismissed.
Meeting Statistics |
Quorum rule |
51% of voting members |
Achieved quorum |
true |
Counts toward voter eligibility |
true |
Individual Attendance |
Members: 6 of 40 (15%) Voting Members: 6 of 11 (54%) (used for quorum calculation) |
Company Attendance |
Companies: 6 of 23 (26%) Voting Companies: 6 of 10 (60%) |