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2. Enter the Meeting ID (126680) followed by the # key
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Meeting ID
4. If the organizer has not started the meeting you will be:
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Agenda: Monthly XLIFF teleconference has been modified by Tony Jewtushenko
Date: Tuesday, 21 December 2004
Time: 04:00pm - 05:00pm GMT
Event Description:
1. Call one of the MeetingPlace phone numbers:
From the AMER region dial: * 1-888-967-2253 * +1-650-607-2253
From the APAC region dial: * +61 2 8817 6100
From the EMEA region dial: * +44 118 924 9000
2. Enter the Meeting ID (126680) followed by the # key
3. Press 1 to confirm the
Meeting ID
4. If the organizer has not started the meeting you will be:
a. Asked to speak your name followed by the # key
b. Placed in the waiting room on music hold until the organizer starts the meeting. If the organizer has started the meeting you will be: a. Asked to enter the Meeting Password (030543)
b. Asked to speak your name followed by the # key
1/roll call
2/accept or amend previous meeting minutes:
3/ Work in Progress:
a. Adding extension points at Source & Target:
- Action Item: Grard was to investigate how other TCs are handling unknown extension points within content and report to the TC.
>> Grard's resignation means this item needs to be assigned to a new owner.
b. Representation Guides:
i. HTML:
Feedback from Doug:
>> Yves will compile all comments and repost.
c. Unresolved issues:
i. Translation of Voice XML Issues
- Action Item: Mat will submit a proposal on how to handle Voice XML issues.
Latest Update:
>> No action on this item. Still waiting for resolution of namespace issue from Representation Guides.
ii. Accepting Suggested Translations In XLIFF
- Mat put his and Magnus's comments together and reposted the proposal:
Magnus will put together proposals to restricting alt-trans use
4/ Status Report from Segmentation SC (Magnus)
Meeting minutes of the last Seg SC:
>> Magnus reported that the subcommittee has prepared a proposal of items that have concensus but that the main proposal is still being worked on. The 1st proposal should be ready by Christmas.
5/ Related work in other standards groups
a. W3C i18n - updates from liaison if required.
b. Oscar - updates from liaison if required.
>> Grard's resignation means this item needs to be assigned to a new owner.
c. XLIFF use SRX.
- Action Item: Grard is to investigate and report on how XLIFF can consume.
>> Grard's resignation means this item needs to be assigned to a new owner.
d. TransWS use of XLIFF
>>Peter will not be attending the meeting, so nothing to report this time.
6/ XLIFF Charter Clarification:
Initial Draft:
Feedback from Karl Best:
Feedback from Bryan:
Review of the Charter and the comments from Karl and Bryan:
Latest draft:
TC Short Description proposals:
>> Action Item:
1. Tony to modify the charter and post.
2. Tony to create a ballot to accept the modified charter.
7/Action Items Summary:
Old Action Items from last time:
- Action Item: Grard will investigate how other TCs are handling unknown extension points within content and report to the TC. >>Grard's resignation means this item needs to be assigned to a new owner.
- Action Item: Grard is to investigate and report on how XLIFF can consume SRX. >>Grard's resignation means this item needs to be assigned to a new owner.
New Action Items from last time:
- Action Item: Yves will compile all comments on proposed HTML representation guide and repost.
- Action Item: Mat will put his and Magnus's comments together concerning accepting an alt-trans and repost the proposal.
- Action Item: Magnus will put together proposals to restricting alt-trans use
- Action Item: Tony will modify the charter and post.
- Action Item: Tony will create a ballot to accept the modified charter.
8/ All other business
Next meeting: 18 January 2005, 4pm BST/8am PST
Minutes: 1/roll call:
Present: Doug, Yves, Andzrej, Christian, Magnus, Tony, Mat, Eiju, Shigamichi
Apologies: Peter, Bryan and Florian
2/Previous meeting minutes:
Minutes accepted with modification that Andrzej sent his apologies.
3/ Work in Progress:
a. Adding extension points at Source & Target:
- Action Item: Gérard was to investigate how other TCs are handling unknown extension points within content and report to the TC.
> Assigned to a new owner -> Mat
b. Representation Guides:
i. HTML:
Feedback from Doug:
> Yves will compile all comments and repost, and hand off to Bryan.
c. Unresolved issues:
i. Translation of Voice XML Issues
- Action Item: Mat will submit a proposal on how to handle Voice XML issues.
Latest Update:
> No action on this item. Still waiting for resolution of namespace issue from Representation Guides.
ii. Accepting Suggested Translations In XLIFF
- Mat put his and Magnus's comments together and reposted the proposal:
Magnus will put together proposals to restricting alt-trans use
4/ Status Report from Segmentation SC (Magnus)
Meeting minutes of the last Seg SC:
> Magnus reported that the subcommittee's 1st proposal should be ready by Jan/Feb.
5/ Related work in other standards groups
a. W3C i18n - no new updates, ITS will move forward -anyone interested in participating should contact Yves.
b. Oscar - updates from liaison if required.
GILT Metrics specification published and ready for public comment.
c. XLIFF use SRX
- Action Item: Tony to investigate and report on how XLIFF can consume SRX.
d. TransWS use of XLIFF
TransWS 1.0 will be publicly announced very soon.
6/ XLIFF Charter Clarification:
Initial Draft:
Feedback from Karl Best:
Feedback from Bryan:
Review of the Charter and the comments from Karl and Bryan:
Updated draft:
Final proposal:
TC Short Description proposals:
Final TC Short Description:
> Action Item (from last time):
1. Tony to modify the charter and post.
2. Tony to create ballot to accept the revised charter.
7/ Action Items Summary:
Old Action Items from last time:
- Action Item: Mat takes over from Gerard to investigate how other TCs are handling unknown extension points within content and report to the TC.
- Action Item: Tony takes over from Gérard to investigate and report on how XLIFF can consume SRX.
- Action Item: Yves will compile all comments on proposed HTML representation guide and repost, and hand off to Bryan.
- Action Item: Tony will modify the charter and description and post.
8/ All other business
Next meeting: 16 January 2005, 4pm BST/8am PST
Achieved quorum: true
Counts toward voter eligibility: true
Individual Attendance- Members: 10 of 41 (24%)
- Voting Members: 9 of 17 (52%) (used for quorum calculation)
Company Attendance- Companies: 5 of 19 (26%)
- Voting Companies: 5 of 10 (50%)
Quorum rule: 51% of voting members