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Agenda: +++++++++++++++++++++++
1/ Roll call
2/ Approve previous meeting minutes:
Accept, reject, or amend. (
3/ XLIFF 2.0 Goals (
A. Reports from Requirements owners on status of requirement
B. Continue to classify remaining Potential Goals (Must Have, Should Have, Nice to Have)
C. XLIFF 2.0 Requirements Document draft
D. Begin to write the actual "XLIFF Version 2.0 Working Draft"
4/ Preparing for a vote on Eric's representation guide (ICU Resource Bundle)
(need to validate this URL as latest version)
A. Rodolfo to test XLIFF code samples
B. Rodolfo and Eric to adapt the guide to the current templates
5/ Issue - do we need additional split and merge capability for XLIFF 2.0? Or are the current mechanisms adequate? (Rodolfo and Magnus)
6/ Asgeir created a robust tracking mechanism (a syndication page) for XLIFF 2.0 ideas (, ( - perhaps we should consider this vs. our current tracking page. Should we consolidate them? Or do they serve unique purposes?
7/ XLIFF 1.2 Errata draft (Asgeir)
A. Asgeir created a page on the wiki with the known Errata for XLIFF 1.2.
B. Bryan to check with Mary McRae if a minor release is enough (no vote).
8/ Issue - " element and xml:space handling" ( (Asgeir)
9/ XLIFF Comment list inquiry: "XLIFF vs. PO vs. Trolltech" (
10/ Issue - Resource Guides are still marked as "Draft"
11/ TC charter may need a review and update (
12/ Reports from liaisons involved with other standards groups:
A. W3C i18n
B. Oscar
D. OASIS DITA Translation Subcommittee
13/ New Business
Minutes: Present: Magnus, Tony, Eric, Bryan, Asgeir, Rodolfo, Milan, Christian, Doug
• Tony announced that Peter Reynolds is trying to re-join the XLIFF TC.
• Asgeir moves to approve the previous meeting minutes. Tony seconds and none objects.
• Bryan created a page for tracking XLIFF 2.0 items. Rodolfo will help keep it updated.
• Magnus reported that he lacks bandwidth to work on the core modules.
• Rodolfo mentioned that he is working on a tool that validates XLIFF files. There are some things that can’t be validated using the Schema and need to be checked. Rodolfo will make a list of items that need to be validating using code.
• Christian summarized the need for embedding an XML skeleton using an or using an extension point. A new element for holding skeletons in XML format was suggested. Additionally, if the mime type specified in the “form” attribute is “Application/XML” current schemas fails to support the XML content. Bryan will mock up examples for different alternatives and submit them to the list.
• Magnus requested the addition of extension points in and to allow for custom attributes in those elements.
• Asgeir reminded that it is necessary to allow the “xml-space” attribute in .
• Tony expressed that it is time to update the charter now that XLIFF 1.2 has been completed and we need to discuss the goals for XLIFF 2.0
• Next meeting will be on the third Tuesday of June.
Meeting Statistics |
Quorum rule |
51% of voting members |
Achieved quorum |
true |
Counts toward voter eligibility |
true |
Individual Attendance |
Members: 9 of 32 (28%) Voting Members: 9 of 10 (90%) (used for quorum calculation) |
Company Attendance |
Companies: 9 of 22 (40%) Voting Companies: 9 of 10 (90%) |