AMQP TC Meeting

When:  Oct 9, 2019 from 11:00 to 11:30 (ET)

Conference call:

  • Using your computer/tablet:
  • Alternatively international dial in details can be found here:
    1. Enter Meeting ID: 732680113
    2. Enter Passcode: 6069

  • Discuss progress on documents currently in working draft
  • AOB



  • Rob Godfrey - Red Hat (Chair)
  • Clemens Vasters - Microsoft (Chair)
  • Keith Wall - Red Hat
  • Robbie Gemmel - Red Hat
  • Justin Ross - Red Hat


Working Document Updates

RGo : Started detailed review of draft specifications (see mailing list).
Request response w/ Link Pairing is good to put to a vote
Message Annotations for response routing - general agreement to use precondition-failed for error code on reject of expired cookie. next draft should define key/value pairs to use so senders can identify error
Addressing - CV will look at RGo's feedback and maybe remove / tweak references to named container behaviours (e.g. Server, Router, Receiver)
RGo will next look at Filters and then HTTP and Management

CV : Will look at feedback and attempt to create new working drafts ASAP

RGe : Scheduled messages - one comment outstanding but think content is in good shape

General agreement that we should look at using Markdown templates for any future technical work.


Agreed next meeting on Fri Oct 18th (as per schedule)

Meeting Statistics
Quorum rule 51% of voting members
Achieved quorum yes
Individual Attendance Contributing Members: 5 of 21 (23%)
Voting Members: 5 of 7 (71%) (used for quorum calculation)
Company Attendance Contributing Companies: 2 of 8 (25%)
Voting Companies: 2 of 3 (66%)