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Agenda: Agenda:
1/roll call
2/approve minutes of last meeting:
3/ Work in Progress:
a.Adding extension points at Source & Target:
Latest discussion:
Yves submitted scenarios for how tools would deal with extensions at source/target (see :
#1- The unknown elements and their content are stripped out.
#2- The unknown elements are stripped out, their content left part of the /.
#3- The unknown elements are preserved and treated as (or if they are empty elements).
#4- The unknown elements are preserved treated as (their content is seen as code).
#5- The unknown elements have some XLIFF-understood indication on how to be treated.
Historical discussion:
Non-binding ballot result:
5 votes for 'Add unconstrained namespace extension points'
5 votes for 'Add constrained namespace extensions points'
Since the vote Bryan has sent out a mail suggesting 5 approaches for dealing with this.
There has been some email discussion on this.
Gerard outlined his and John's response and their concerns over interoperability.
Christian suggested that we were concerned with everything that was in the XLIFF namespace but not with other namespaces. There was a debate about whether or not other namespaces should be ignored or not.
Christian suggested that there should be a flag to say you are using a namespace at an extension point.
David raised the possibility of having some to flag what sort of behaviour is permitted for a particular namespace. There was a short discussion on this and whether this could be achieved using the translation directives suggestions from Richard Ishida of the W3C.
Bryan further reduced the approach to the marking content in extended Source/Target to two options: 1/DEGREES OF CONSTRAINT FOR EXTENDED ATTRIBUTES on Source and Target; 2/SIGNALING TRANSATION INSTRUCTIONS (YES or NO) FOR EXTENDED ELEMENTS in Source and Target. Full discussion is presented here:
Yves' Use Cases:
Mat suggested adding a new element (extend) to store state and other Source/Target level attributes. There was some discussion on the merits and problems with this approach.
Christian suggested that non-translatable text nodes in Source/Target extensions should be referenced using serialization, and not stored inline with translatable content. There was additional discussion on this proposal.
b. Representation Guides:
i. HTML / RTF:
Latest update:
Major issue to be resolved is whether or not we can extend at Source and Target. Need to review agree on approach for extending Source and Target before this topic can progress further.
ii. WinRes (John, Yves)
iii. Resx (Enda, Gerard) - will discuss Florian's issues document:
iv. Java Resource Bundles (Tony & John)
c. Unresolved issues:
a.Mat: Translation of Voice XML Issues
Latest Update:
This issue also relates to adding extension points to Source and Target, and could be more easily dealt with if extensions were permitted. This issue is on hold pending proposed solution from Mat.
b.Mat: Accepting Suggested Translations In XLIFF
Latest Update:
Mat raised the issue of how to identify which provided Alt-Trans, if any, has been used by a translator. The TC suggested that this could be dealt with by using extensions, or phase-name. Mat to author some proposals and bring back to the TC for further input.
c. Ambiguities with "Match Quality" in spec:
Mat pointed out in a mail that "match quality" does not define how to specify a % match.
4/ Status Report from Segmentation SC (Magnus)
5/ Related work in other standards groups:
There is a group starting in the W3C i18n WG to define localisation directives. This group is looking for active participants, specifically from the XLIFF TC. The proposed group will deliver a "Note" document with a tag library, which XLIFF may at some future date consume as an extension. This group will also work with LISA OSCAR subcommittee.
Gerard announced they have established Special interest groups to look at TBX link and localisation directive. Any interested in these should contact Gerard. Gerard will liaise with the TC on this.
Awaiting input from Gerard as to wheter XLIFF can use SRX.
6/ Proposed change to OASIS IPR Policy
The draft IPR Policy is at
and the FAQ is at
The revised IPR policy includes changes to the membeship policy for individual members. This may have impact for a number of XLIFF TC members.
7/ Refinement of XLIFF Charter -
Our TC charter is out of date. We have delivered all stated objectives in the present charter. We need to define our future deliverables including any in-progress work. Also, we need to discuss what our TC will set as objectives for the near and long term. At this meeting we will only commense the discussion and set a time table for refining our charter.
8/ All other business