Call-in information will be provided to TC members and observers.
Agenda will be provided for each meeting.
KMIP TC weekly concall
1 Opening remarks/roll call
2 Approval of the agenda
3 Approval of previous meeting minutes (F2F, 27-Sep, 18-Oct, 25-Oct)
4 Old Business
Consider ballot and/or next steps on crypto proposal, attested get, use cases (Tim)
Consider ballot on final MDO proposal (Saikat)
Consider ballot on new ECC algorithms (Saikat)
Review PGP proposal (Mike / Judy)
Review draft text on client registration models (BobG)
V1.2 status and schedule
Interop (Tim)
Template proposal (Tim/Bruce)
Usage limits proposal (BobL/BobG)
V1.2 doc (editors)
V1.2 schedule
Topics for next week’s call
5 New Business
6 Review Action Items
7 Adjournment
Meeting Statistics |
Quorum rule |
51% of voting members
Achieved quorum |
yes |
Individual Attendance |
Observing Members: 1 of 27 (3%) Contributing Members: 34 of 82 (41%) Voting Members: 27 of 32 (84%) (used for quorum calculation)
Company Attendance |
Contributing Companies: 16 of 33 (48%) Voting Companies: 14 of 15 (93%)