See the private action item for dial in details
A. Admin:
1. Roll call
2. Approve meeting minutes from March 8
B. Material:
1. Technical Deliverables
Mailing list input from Patrik
Spec GIT Request
This is tabled until admin report progress, the ticket has been reopened (
JSON Serialization/ Approaches to OM
No counter example of serialization yet
Copyright Issues with Submissions
No progress on this
Need Alan to make progress on TBX mapping submission
TBX Mapping
based on a published paper
2. Assignment of editor roles for the technical deliverables
Tabled until we have enough material on wiki.
3. TMX Contribution
dF contacted Jamie on 18th Feb and 8th Mar, but no answer so far.
Some progress through ETSI secretariat. Copyright transfer agreement needs to be negotiated between ETSI and OASIS.
4. Liaisons
dF met OSG people in Luxembourg ARML 2.0 ( ), please have a look if interested, especially in internationalization and multilingualism.
Possible liaison with ISO/IEC JTC1 SC38 wrt reference architecture for big data.
5. Promotion
Please join us in Dublin for the symposium. ( ).
A. Admin:
1. Roll call
Quorum achieved
2. Approve meeting minutes from March 8
Minutes are approved
B. Material:
1. Technical Deliverables
Mailing list input from Patrik
Spec GIT Request – nothing new
This is tabled until admin report progress, the ticket has been reopened (
JSON Serialization/ Approaches to OM
No counter example of serialization yet
Class Diagram (sent by Patrick)
Ryan: The counter example I had in mind seems to be no longer relevant based on recent contributions from Yves and Patrick.
Discussion around class diagram, relationship, naming convention – need to keep track of mapping on Wiki page (AI Patrik to create). Better to stick to consistent names for now (related to XML serialization where appropriate)
Review of the diagram syntax (black diamond arrow = composition, white arrow = members of a choice group)
Need to provide guidance to prevent / avoid incorrect nesting
dF: actually Yves warned us in the list not to drive the OM approach by XML specifics. Nesting is an XML issue as weel as cp.
Should use purely linear approach as pc is expressible with sc ec pairs..
Need to put the diagram on Wiki page, where we’ll track OM work. AI Patrik/Lucian to prepare a linear version for modelling in-line content, with markers but not necessarily all attributes yet
Copyright Issues with Submissions
No progress on this
Need Alan to make progress on TBX mapping submission
TBX Mapping based on a published paper
TC members, please use group e-mail for communication / comments
Non-TC members, use the commenting facility (send a comment button on TC public page)
2. Assignment of editor roles for the technical deliverables
Tabled until we have enough material on wiki.
3. TMX Contribution
dF contacted Jamie on 18th Feb and 8th Mar, but no answer so far.
Some progress through ETSI secretariat (dF met with ETSI rep in Luxembourg last week). Copyright transfer agreement needs to be negotiated between ETSI and OASIS.
4. Liaisons
dF met OGC people in Luxembourg during a big data worksjop. ARML 2.0 is an OGC spec of interest ( ), please have a look if interested, especially in internationalization and multilingualism.
Possible liaison with ISO/IEC JTC1 SC38 wrt reference architecture for big data.
Chase: Interesting opportunity.
David to act as liaison for now.
5. Promotion
Please join us in Dublin for the symposium. ( Call for papers open until end of March.
Anyone familiar with JIAMCATT?
dF to give a standrads workshop at JIAMCATT workshop in Geneva 27-29 April 2016
Next meeting on April 12.
Meeting Statistics |
Quorum rule |
51% of voting members
Achieved quorum |
yes |
Individual Attendance |
Contributing Members: 8 of 18 (44%) Voting Members: 7 of 10 (70%) (used for quorum calculation)
Company Attendance |
Contributing Companies: 7 of 14 (50%) Voting Companies: 6 of 8 (75%)