Please get the dial in information from our private Action Item here:
I Administration (0:00 - 0:10)
A. Roll call
B. Approve meeting minutes, 03 November 2015
C. Revise scheduled for XLIFF 2.1
D. Requesting progress of ISO submision of XLIFF 2.0
E. Mandate extension of the XLIFF P&L Subcommittee - Lucía, second from Fredrik
F. Microsoft’s XLIFF 2.0 Object Model is now Open Source on GitHub
II XLIFF 2.1 (0:10 - 0:45)
* indicates new topic, not yet discussed
A. Discuss whether can be allowed at all extension points (Ryan)
B. Inline attributes and canCopy (Ryan)
D. Typo in example ( dataRefEnd) (Yves)
E. Add N Constraint to the core order attribute
DF will make a CFD for this on mailing list. This has been now sufficiently discussed. [pending AI for dF]
F. Template/Model for TBX Mapping with XLIFF v2.0 and Higher Version 1.0 (DavidF) [pending AI for Fredrik]
G. ITS storage size restriction
Fredrik to propose slr profile for ITS storage size data category [pending AI for dF]
H. Mistakes in the spec (Soroush)
I. NVDL for the core is updated (Soroush)
J. * NVDL validation for XLIFF 2.0 (Soroush)
K. * Comment on 2.1 draft (Yves)
L. * CanReorder Validation error (Ryan)
M. * ITS text analytics (David)
N. Internationalization and beyond related metadata for JSON - XLIFF perspective? (Felix)
O. * XLIFF Support Survey Draft (Lucía)
P. * Question on namespace re-writing and ITS text analysis (Felix)
III Sub Committee Report (0:45 - 0:55)
IV Current and New Business (0:55 -
I Administration
-. Roll call
Attendance: Fredrik, Bryan, Ingo, Soroush, Lucia, Uwe, Tom Comerford, Yves, Phil R.
Apologies: David F.
- Approve meeting minutes, 03 November 2015
Y: I second
B: Meetings minutes approved.
-. Revise scheduled for XLIFF 2.1
B: we do not have Kevin on the call.
-. Requesting progress of ISO submission of XLIFF 2.0
B: We have news from Peter, he will attend the ISO meeting, he requested other members to join as well, Bryan and David F. will join.
-. Mandate extension of the XLIFF P&L Subcommittee - Lucía, second from Fredrik
Mandate of the Promotion and Liaison Subcommittee is hereby extended until December 31, 2016.
Vote: Yes/No
Fredrik: Yes
Soroush: Yes
Bryan: Yes
Ingo: Yes
Tom: Yes
Lucia: Yes
Uwe: Yes
Yves: Yes
B: the vote passes under unanimity, the mandate is extended until 31 December 2016.
-. Microsoft’s XLIFF 2.0 Object Model is now Open Source on GitHub
B: We will like to extend our gratitude on behalf of the XLIFF TC and all the XLIFF community.
U: I will tell all the team that worked on this.
.- other topics:
P: we were interested in the change tracking. Felix sent a proposal on how we serialise that. We are planning to have a proposal related with the okapi framework for Yves to review.
Y: good news.
P: Felix sent an email on my behalf two weeks ago.
B: I will add it to the agenda.
P: I will try to repost it.
* XLIFF Support Survey Draft (Lucía)
L: I have created the survey using an online tool, I have received feeback from Patrik regarding segmentation and I have created ten questions based on the processing requirements and contraints of the specification. Please do not hesitate to send me your comments.
Fredrik: I would like to know tools ability to modify files coming from other tools. Specific questions on that topic can be added.
B: Could you think about making some wording on this?
F: I will do it.
L: Thank you, I will add them.
* ITS text analytics (David)
P: We have been working on this, I will post the information on the list.
III Sub Committee Report
L: We discussed the mandate extension, the survey design, and the next symposium.
New business? New topics?
P: I will just want to thank Microsoft for their work.
B: Availability during December and January. Lucia, can you create a poll for this?
L: Sure, I will do it and send it after the meeting.
B: Meeting adjourned.
Meeting Statistics |
Quorum rule |
51% of voting members
Achieved quorum |
yes |
Individual Attendance |
Contributing Members: 9 of 35 (25%) Voting Members: 9 of 12 (75%) (used for quorum calculation)
Company Attendance |
Contributing Companies: 8 of 16 (50%) Voting Companies: 8 of 10 (80%)