XACML TC Face-to-Face Plenary Meeting

When:  Oct 3, 2005 from 09:00 to 17:00 (PT)
Description: Meeting to be held at BEA, 2315 N. First St., San Jose, CA.

Agenda: http://wiki.oasis-open.org/xacml/Oct2005F2FAgenda



Achieved quorum: true
Counts toward voter eligibility: true

Individual Attendance
  • Members: 8 of 121 (6%)
  • Voting Members: 7 of 11 (63%) (used for quorum calculation)
Company Attendance
  • Companies: 6 of 59 (10%)
  • Voting Companies: 6 of 8 (75%)

Quorum rule: 51% of voting members