When:  Apr 19, 2011 from 11:00 to 12:00 (ET)
Description: To access the meeting go to: https://www1.gotomeeting.com/join/277182288 - You can use your microphone and speakers (VoIP) - Or, call in using your telephone: Dial: 1-630-869-1010 Access Code: 277-182-288 Meeting ID: 277-182-288 (meeting setup Courtesy of Yves)

Agenda: 1/ Roll call 2/ Approve Tuesday, 15 March 2011 meeting minutes: Accept, reject, or amend. (http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/xliff/201103/msg00005.html) Note: Though not an official meeting on the books, please review the notes from last meeting (http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/xliff/201104/msg00004.html) 3/ XLIFF 2.0 (http://wiki.oasis-open.org/xliff/XLIFF2.0/FeatureTracking) note: Yves: proposed to start working on the bare-bone/core first and move forward from there. Shall we work on this requirement first, then evaluate the remaining proposals under consideration? - XLIFF Core Thread Yves, and others (http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/xliff/201104/msg00005.html) 1. Review items approved in section 1 (http://wiki.oasis-open.org/xliff/XLIFF2.0/FeatureTracking) (we now have 4 approved new features and 16 proposed features to be evaluated) 2. Begin work evaluating proposed features 3. Conformance criteria 4/ Current XLIFF business 1. Peter's request that our TC, along with former OSCAR members discuss OASIS/XIFF taking over TMX/SRX (http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/xliff/201103/msg00015.html) 2. ISO/OASIS XLIFF - XLIFF as an ISO standard (Peter) (http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/xliff/201010/msg00004.html) 3. XLIFF Symposium Debrief: "Voice of our customer" (Christian) - Christian is in contact with Multilingual and has written to Robin Cover 4. 2nd Annual XLIFF Symposium in Poland progress (Peter) 5. Gathering common extension points from existing XLIFF Tools as a guide for 2.0 features (Bryan, Thomas) (http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/xliff/201101/msg00007.html) - Lucia has taken over Micah's matrix - Arle posted examples of how other TCs chart support for their standard (http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/xliff/201102/msg00017.html) - Scott McGrath is looking into this for XLIFF - no word yet about his findings - Extension Schemas added for XTM and MemoQ (thanks to Andrzej, Peter, and Rodolfo) 6. XLIFF Spec in XLIFF (http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/xliff/201102/msg00011.html) - Lucia provided the paper work to get this started. Bryan will ensures the papers this week. 7. TAUS role extended to Interoperability Watchdog (Bryan) (http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/xliff/201103/msg00009.html) 8. GALA Lisbon roundtable on changing landscape of localization industry standards (Yves, Lucia) (http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/xliff/201103/msg00012.html) 9. Variants - Wording in Spec (Christian) (http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/xliff/201103/msg00021.html) 10. Sub Committee Reports - Inline text (Yves) 5/ Charter The current charter is here: (http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/xliff/charter.php) 6/ New Business


Meeting Statistics
Quorum rule 51% of voting members
Achieved quorum true
Counts toward voter eligibility true
Individual Attendance Members: 9 of 36 (25%)
Voting Members: 9 of 10 (90%) (used for quorum calculation)
Company Attendance Companies: 8 of 21 (38%)
Voting Companies: 8 of 8 (100%)