1. Welcome by the Chair (Andreas)
2. Minutes taker
All write into the chat(,
Andreas assembles and uploads into document area.
3. Roll call
4. Approval of the agenda
5. Approval of minutes from previous calls
5.1 Minutes from call #271 on 23 May 2022:
6. DSS-X documents
6.1 Progress of DSS-X Core
- committee note 'What's new in DSS 2.0'
#### action: add more content to what's new document
action : andreas + detlef take a look at article published last year
- topics for CS03
DSSX-63: Section 6 of the core cs02 references a non-existing element
'SignatureType' of OptionalInputsVerify
DSSX-64: Reference JSON schema in Swagger and OAS files
collecting additional topics
planning for CS03 together with some profiles
6.2 Problems verifying XML and JSON schema
- local and remote schema locations
- due to JSON Validator „tberman.json-schema-validator“: Invalid schema:
dereference error
- due to OpenAPI validator „mermade.openapi-lint“ : 'incContent' invalid
- status of stefan's multi-TC effort 'schema validation'
- Andreas: check Oxygen for their validators
- ongoing: look for (Java) implementations of oas 3.1.0 & json schema 2020-12
action: Stefan will take a look at the schema structure.
7. Profiles
- Evidence, JSON Signature and X.509 profiles next for CD.
first draft of Evidence Record Validation profile at
Received comment from Tobias Wich:
Response and open topic (response URL) at
updated version pending
- AdES
JAdES uses Any need for us to align?
AdES-profile: status
JAdES: watching ETSI work progess
detlef's status on AdES profile
- CBOR binding
### Carsten responded to our questions regarding CBOR
action: andreas will answer to Carsten's email
- DSS 2.0 conformance test bed, IDTrust sponsoring
Added sponsoring volume to IDTrust request
'Conformance badges' not very popular at OASIS
8. Next meeting
Suggested to meet again on 04 July 2022
9. AOB
W3C public credentials: Verification specification missing:
action: approach w3c once CBOR binding is in place
Meeting Statistics |
Quorum rule |
51% of voting members
Achieved quorum |
yes |
Individual Attendance |
Contributing Members: 3 of 7 (42%) Voting Members: 3 of 3 (100%) (used for quorum calculation)
Company Attendance |
Contributing Companies: 1 of 3 (33%) Voting Companies: 1 of 1 (100%)