XLIFF TC Meeting

When:  Nov 1, 2016 from 11:00 to 12:00 (ET)

Please get the dial in information from our private Action Item here:


I Administration (0:00 - 0:10)
  A. Roll call
  B. Approve meeting minutes, 20 September 2016
  C. Revise scheduled for XLIFF 2.1  
  D. ISO submission of XLIFF 2.0
     Pending French translation.
     Liaison report to ISO TC 37 (Peter)
  E. Action Item progress (as tracked in kavi AI tracker)
  F. Check prefix registration.
     ITS ID prefix registry (Yves)
  G. Call For Dissent: Inline Markup within Change Tracking (Phil)
  - latest https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/xliff/201608/msg00056.html     
  H. Call For Dissent for canCopy attribute text (Soroush)
  I. Comments on XLIFF 2.1 Draft (Yves)
     XLF draft feedback
  J. Call for papers for the Montreal Symposium
  K. * Generating HTML/PDF for each edit (Yves)
II XLIFF 2.1 (0:10 - 0:45)

Latest printout


* indicates new topic, not yet discussed
  A. CanReorder Validation error (Ryan)
  B. XLIFF and ITS mapping-ID value (Soroush)
  C. Issue with validating extensions (David)
     --> new AI for people to register extensions.
     --> issue report to Okapi-XLIFF (https://bitbucket.org/okapiframework/xliff-toolkit/issues/9)
  D. * XLIFF 2.1 - ITS support; editing calls (Felix)
  E. itsm namespace in extension registration (Yves)
  F. Proposal on how to move forward with ITS 2.0 support in XLIFF 2.1 (Felix)
  G. * Changes for the registration of value prefixes (Yves)

  H. * Implementation of XLIFF 2.1 - ITS module (Felix)
     Felix will issue a new email.
  I. * preparing csd01/csprd01 - Question where to allow ITSM elements and attributes 
  J. * Change Tracking 2.1 (Yves)
  K. * ITS rules file (Felix)
  L * Localization Note vs  (Yves)
III Sub Committee Report (0:45 - 0:55)

IV  Current and New Business (0:55 -


pasted Yves minutes from http://markmail.org/thread/5fb3sfh5fjjdahbv

Summary of the XLIFF Call Nov-1

Present: Bryan, David, Tom, Felix, Yves, Phil

We have quorum

BS: move to accept the minutes of last call.
DF: seconds

DF: One note XLIFF 2 passed the ISO ballot, so we are close to the publication of XLIFF2 as ISO.
.. not official yet, but we should be able to have that soon.
BS: Thanks to people who worked on this (e.g. Peter and David)

DF: Sharing the JIRA page to see the initial comments
.. so far we have 9 comments, all from yves. Some simple editorial, other more complex.
.. 2.1_csprd01 is the label for this revision cycle.
.. some have a label to request TC discussion
.. reporters can be only TC members
.. for non-members we need to pick a TC member as the reporter, and make sure the non-member information is recorded.
.. also such reporter needs to check if the non-member reporter is satisfied with the response.
.. any TC member can use JIRA

YS: is JIRA accessible by the public?
DF: it should be.
YS: yes, the link is https://issues.oasis-open.org/browse/XLIFF

BS: Will try to update the TC front page today about the review under way
.. and the JIRA link

BS: Did a recalculation of the timing.
.. we should be able to conduct public review 02, and still have candidate spec ready to submit my 23-December,
.. if we get now substantive comments on public review 2

DF: components: ITS module,CTR, other, and validation

DF: issue 1:
.. Solution is to fix the broken links
All agree.

DF: issue 2:
.. think we could start with 'from scratch' and end with 'already there'
.. anyone has preference for the order?
No people have such preference.
.. can I mark the proposal as resolved then? (Using the order I proposed)
No dissent

FS: maybe comment #9 would be the best to discuss

DF: will marked #3 as resolved off line.

Moving to issue #9
Explanation of the issue is: https://issues.oasis-open.org/browse/XLIFF-9
DF: don't agree because the ITS semantics does not work with sm/em

FS: issue also comes from the rules file
.. cannot have rules for those data categories without pointers

FS: did try to implement sm/em with specific
.. works with another step, but it's not ITS anymore
.. could be defined for XLIFF processing too

DF: could we have global pointer as extension in ITS?
FS: my method is non-pointing behavior
DF: think we need to separate ITS and XLIFF
.. not sure it's a good idea to use the ITS namespace
.. no ITS processor will be able to process the sm/em anyway

FS: need more implementation experience
DF: was disappointed that sm/em can be processed generically
.. also we have example of case where ITS implementation for a file format deviates: HTML translate.
YS: for defaults yes.
.. but HTML is a special case
FS: agree that for XML files from an ITS processor viewpoint, not being able to access some data categories is not good.

DF: discussion needs to continue on the mailing list
FS: do we have more people implementing the ITS module?

DF: need to reconnect with Microsoft to see if they are planning on ITS module implementation.
.. anyone who wants to comment can just comment on JIRA

DF: another big issue is the CTR module

Meeting adjourned

Meeting Statistics
Quorum rule 51% of voting members
Achieved quorum yes
Individual Attendance Contributing Members: 6 of 33 (18%)
Voting Members: 6 of 8 (75%) (used for quorum calculation)
Company Attendance Contributing Companies: 4 of 15 (26%)
Voting Companies: 4 of 6 (66%)