XLIFF TC Monthly Teleconference

When:  Jun 21, 2005 from 16:00 to 17:00 (UTC)
Description: Standing monthly XLIFF TC Teleconference. 1. Call one of the MeetingPlace phone numbers: From the AMER region dial: * 1-888-967-2253 * +1-650-607-2253 From the APAC region dial: * +61 2 8817 6100 From the EMEA region dial: * +44 118 924 9000 2. Enter the Meeting ID (805534) followed by the # key 3. If the organizer has not started the meeting you will be: a. Asked to speak your name followed by the # key b. Placed in the waiting room on music hold until the organizer starts the meeting. If the organizer has started the meeting you will be: a. Asked to enter the Meeting Password (030543) b. Asked to speak your name followed by the # key

Agenda: Minutes: 1/roll call 2/Previous meeting minutes: http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/xliff/200505/msg00007.html Accept or amend. 3/ Work in Progress: A. Representation Guides: a. HTML (Bryan) Ballot results for final HTML Profile document are here (measure passed)-> http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/xliff/ballot.php?id=769 An additional issue to resolve? -> http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/xliff/200505/msg00014.html b. NET & Windows Resources Topic moved to Profiles SC. Florian to provide an update on .NET / Windows resources profile work. c. Java Resource Bundles Topic moved to Profiles SC. Tony has submitted an initial profile document for java resource bundles (will send out URL later). Tony to provide update on Java Resource bundle profile work. d. PO Files: Proposed Profile document submitted by Paul Gampe: http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/xliff/200505/msg00011.html Will review, discuss and TC agrees it is complete, will schedule TC ballot. B. Open issues: a. Translation of Voice XML Issues ~ Open until resolution of namespace issue from Representation Guides. - Action Item: Mat will submit a proposal on how to handle Voice XML issues. Initial: http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/xliff/200403/msg00016.html Latest Update: http://www.oasis-open.org/archives/xliff/200403/msg00017.html Mat agreed to submit a proposal on XSLT which will be coordinated with Bryan. b. Extending XLIFF with separate namespaces. This is a new topic to investigate and research industry best practices for extending XML vocabularies with private or other public namespaces. Main issue relates to how and whether to permit extension for known namespaces only, and if so, which ones? What is the mechanism for limiting the extensions? 4/ Segmentation SC: Ballot to approve both documents passed -> http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/xliff/ballot.php?id=766. Will review final ballot results at the TC teleconference. 5/ Reports from liaisons involved with other standards groups: A. W3C i18n B. Oscar C. Trans-WS 6/Journal Papers - Tony and Peter are submitting an article to XML Journal. We would very much appreciate peer review of the draft. Anyone interested in peer reviewing please make yourselves known. The manuscript will be distributed individually to TC member volunteers. 7/All other business

Minutes: Minutes: 1/roll call There were 9 members present as recorded in Kavi. Apologies: Magnus 2/Previous meeting minutes: http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/xliff/200505/msg00007.html Florian proposed and Mat seconded that there were a correct record. 3/ Work in Progress: A. Representation Guides: a. HTML (Bryan) Ballot results for final HTML Profile document are here (measure passed)-> http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/xliff/ballot.php?id=769 An additional issue to resolve? -> http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/xliff/200505/msg00014.html The ballot for this was passed. An issue was raised in relation to whitespace. Bryan has proposed a small change to deal with this. This document was approved a committee specification. There will then be a period of review. Bryan will submit the corrected document and Tony will notify OASIS that we would like the public review to begin. b. NET & Windows Resources Topic moved to Profiles SC. Florian to provide an update on .NET / Windows resources profile work. Tony will be taking what Florian has done and put it in as a profile. The URL for this sub committee is: http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/xliff-profiles/ This group is meeting next Tuesday June 28th. c. Java Resource Bundles Topic moved to Profiles SC. Tony has submitted an initial profile document for java resource bundles (will send out URL later). Tony to provide update on Java Resource bundle profile work. d. PO Files: Proposed Profile document submitted by Paul Gampe: http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/xliff/200505/msg00011.html Will review, discuss and TC agrees it is complete, will schedule TC ballot. A document was submitted by Paul Gampe. This has also be sent to the Linux community. Tony thinks the input into this has come from a freshmeat group. Tony will talk with Paul and some of the tool providers to see how the tool providers will handle this proposal. He will also see if Paul can attend our next meeting but as he lives in Australia this might prove difficult. B. Open issues: a. Translation of Voice XML Issues ~ Open until resolution of namespace issue from Representation Guides. - Action Item: Mat will submit a proposal on how to handle Voice XML issues. Initial: http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/xliff/200403/msg00016.html Latest Update: http://www.oasis-open.org/archives/xliff/200403/msg00017.html http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/xliff/email/archives/200506/msg00002.html Mat raised a number of issues in relation to quality of voice xml. He suggested that XSLT, or relevant elements of XSLT be an allowed namespace within source and target as it allows some very intricate processing to be performed that gets round some translatability quality issues that have never really be addressed within. There was a debate about how this would work in practise. Mat will come up with some concrete proposals on this. It was suggested that this might be something with the Internationalisation Working Group might look at. b. Extending XLIFF with separate namespaces. This is a new topic to investigate and research industry best practices for extending XML vocabularies with private or other public namespaces. Main issue relates to how and whether to permit extension for known namespaces only, and if so, which ones? What is the mechanism for limiting the extensions? 4/ Segmentation SC: Ballot to approve both documents passed -> http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/xliff/ballot.php?id=766. Will review final ballot results at the TC teleconference. Segmentation ballot This was approved. This will be submitted to OASIS for public review. 5/ Reports from liaisons involved with other standards groups: A. W3C i18n The main focus is on gathering requirements. Christian suggested that it would be great if members looked at these requirements and commented. He will send this to the team. B. Oscar There is a new group starting on GILT metrics. Andrzej has submitted a discussion on XML-TM C. Trans-WS 6/Journal Papers - Tony and Peter are submitting an article to XML Journal. We would very much appreciate peer review of the draft. Anyone interested in peer reviewing please make yourselves known. The manuscript will be distributed individually to TC member volunteers. Bryan, Christian and Milan offered to review this article. 7/All other business – none 8/ Next meeting – July 19th .


Achieved quorum: false
Counts toward voter eligibility: false

Individual Attendance
  • Members: 0 of 38 (0%)
  • Voting Members: 0 of 15 (0%) (used for quorum calculation)
Company Attendance
  • Companies: 0 of 18 (0%)
  • Voting Companies: 0 of 9 (0%)

Quorum rule: 51% of voting members