April 2015 Face to Face Meeting - Day 1

When:  Apr 16, 2015 from 08:15 to 16:45 (PT)

Address: Symantec Building Q (Corner of Ellis St and East Middlefield Rd)
500 East Middlefield Road Mountain View, CA 94043

- Parking Lot is reachable from Ellis St.
- Entrance to the building is on the North / East corner facing the parking lot
- There will be someone there at the reception deck with pre-printed badges
- Conference Rooms: “Mission / Castro / North Beach” adjacent to "Stacks Café” to the right of the reception desk.
- Breakfast and Lunch will be provided both days

- WebEx and dial in information will be provided and sent out ahead of the meeting




Meeting Statistics
Quorum rule 51% of voting members
Achieved quorum yes
Individual Attendance Guest Attendees: 1
Contributing Members: 22 of 78 (28%)
Voting Members: 19 of 25 (76%) (used for quorum calculation)
Company Attendance Contributing Companies: 12 of 20 (60%)
Voting Companies: 11 of 12 (91%)