KMIP TC face-to-face

When:  Feb 18, 2011 from 08:00 to 17:00 (PT)
Description: For those who can't attend in person, please use the following URL to join the LiveMeeting: Attendee URL: We'll use the same concall bridge as in our weekly TC meetings US toll-free: 1-866-880-0098 passcode: 4290558 International numbers: AUSTRALIA 61-2-8205-8112 1-800-993-862 AUSTRIA 43-1-92-80-300 0800-005-021 BELGIUM 32-2-403-1046 0800-4-9973 BRAZIL 0800-8911984 CHINA* 10800-712-1297 10800-120-1297 CZECH REPUBLIC 420-2-25-98-56-50 DENMARK 45-7014-0272 8088-6034 FINLAND 358-106-33-144 0-800-1-13087 FRANCE 33-1-70-70-74-23 080-510-1037 GERMANY 49-69-2222-7803 0800-000-3329 GREECE 30-80-1-100-0679 00800-12-6966 HONG KONG 852-2286-5648 800-930-448 HUNGARY 06-800-17997 INDIA 000-800-852-1233 INDONESIA 001-803-011-3784 IRELAND 353-1-431-9704 1800-932-283 ISRAEL 1-80-9214889 ITALY 39-02-3600-6514 800-986-561 JAPAN 81-3-5539-5170 00531-12-1856 LUXEMBOURG 352-27-000-1356 MALAYSIA 1-800-80-2416 NETHERLANDS 31-20-718-8514 0800-023-4634 NEW ZEALAND 64-9-970-4754 0800-446-325 NORWAY 47-21-59-00-55 800-10261 POLAND 00-800-1212014 PORTUGAL 8008-15383 RUSSIA 8-10-8002-0174011 SINGAPORE 65-6883-9214 800-120-4339 SOUTH AFRICA 080-09-98814 SOUTH KOREA 82-2-6744-1068 00798-14800-6850 SPAIN 34-91-414-29-41 800-098-586 SWEDEN 46-8-505-78-551 0200-890-174 SWITZERLAND 41-44-580-7530 0800-001-062 TAIWAN 886-2-2795-7364 00801-137-709 THAILAND 001-800-1206-65646 UNITED KINGDOM 44-20-7108-6316 0800-376-8335

Agenda: Friday Feb. 18 (all times US Pacific Standard Time) 8 to 8:15 - welcome, roll call 8:15 to 8:45 - agenda / minutes - review, prioritization and revision of agenda - review/approval of minutes from preceding meeting(s) 8:45 to 10 - interoperability issues (Bruce/Tim/ open discussion) - versioning - protocol version negotiation - vendor extension management 10 to 10:15 - break 10:15 to 11:30 - Client registration and related topics - Client registration (Alan) - Access control (Robert H) - Groups (Krishna) 11:30 to 11:45 - discussion of server to server (Robert H) - entity implications for server to server - use cases 11:45 to 12:00 - checkpoint/review of morning/revision of agenda 12 to 1 - lunch 1 to 2:30 - additional V2.0 topics - trust establishment (Judy) - XML representation of KMIP (Hal) 2:30 to 2:45 - checkpoint/break 2:45 to 4:30 - additional V2.0 topics - storage client profile (Gordon) - other profiles related to V2.0 functionality 4:30 to 5 - checkpoint/review and wrap-up 5 pm adjourn


Meeting Statistics
Quorum rule 51% of voting members
Achieved quorum true
Counts toward voter eligibility true
Individual Attendance Members: 23 of 98 (23%)
Voting Members: 17 of 22 (77%) (used for quorum calculation)
Company Attendance Companies: 11 of 39 (28%)
Voting Companies: 10 of 15 (66%)