When:  Jan 12, 2010 from 08:00 to 09:00 (PT)
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Agenda: Agenda for 13 January 2010 DITA TC Meeting/Call See the DITA TC Wiki: http://wiki.oasis-open.org/dita/FrontPage

Minutes: Minutes for 13 January 2010 DITA TC Meeting/Call 8:00-8:05 Roll call Solicit volunteer to take minutes >Don (note that actions are bracketed for visibility) Approve minutes from previous business meetings: >Skipped, no minutes available from Jan 5 Subcommittee/liaison reports (as needed) * OASIS DITA Adoption TC (Gershon) >Skipped for focus on review Business: 1. ITEM: DITA 1.2 specification * Business (edited by Eberlein, 5 and 12 January 2010 for 12 January TC meeting): 1. Status of 3rd review: >Kristen: Reviewers, please update statuses. 2. Opening of review for the "Subject scheme map" topic: SubjectSchemeMap3: Wiki page >Kristen noted guidelines for reviewers. Kristen will send out an email announcing formal update of this >review. JoAnn: reviewers, please add substantive, researched text if at all possible. Kris suggested >designating EH and RDA as primary reviewers. JoAnn felt Taxonomy should be in another topic, Kristen noted >they'll look at recommendations for that. JoAnn asked if a relationship table should be in a subject scheme >map. >[Action: Kristen will add links to review page for the subject scheme topic for the proposed email to the >list.] >Robert volunteered to review, and will involve Erik as necessary. Bruce Nevin volunteered 3. Issue identified in review #3: Redundant topics >Gershon led this portion of discussion. Note the author's table--now the current focus of activity. Authors, >please send dates of completion to Gershon and Kristen. >Kristen: MP noted that the introduction sections overlap other conceptual topics in other parts of the spec. >She will send revision suggestions to the list. >Gershon walked through the rest of the table to clarify actions with authors. >Gershon requested someone to take on the Base DITA Processing items particularly. He will own the full >section (135+ comments to date). > Eliot to let Gershon and Kristen know if reorganization of his section is needed yet. Will coordinate with > Jeff, MP as necessary. > Robert reported that John Hunt in on progress for all inputs this week. Robert also on goal for this week. >[Action: Gershon to send an email to John Hunt to confirm when he will be able to complete those inputs.] > Discussion of Conformance section. Sue-Laine asked for clarification of the goals. Dana asked about Must > requirements; Eliot: issue is processor requirements vs coding (data) requirements (conventions for human > understanding as well as machine interoperability). Eliot: element matching vs class matching impacts > guaranteed conformance, for example. Where the spec says Must, applications must conform. Dana requests that > interoperability notions be spelled out as specifically as possible. Kristen: how to move forward? Sue-Laine: > more eyes on it to ensure it is meeting needs (KE will volunteer; SY will ask her partners to look as well). >[Action: Sue-Laine to contact Eliot for clarifications.] > Eliot suggested that it can be abbreviated while still making some strong assertions about compliant DITA > expectations. Jeff requested release from ownership of where the rewrite may go. Kristen recognized Jeff's > contributions to this conformance statement thus far for the record. >Appendices: no current owner. Eliot will be responsible for interop and 1.1 to 1.2 migration guide. Robert >has updated the element by element topic--it is done for 1.2. >Gershon and Kristen will send new dates after taking inputs this week. 4. Status of authors' work handling review #3 comments: url 5. Revise schedule to accommodate the following items: 6. Status: PDF output of the DITA 1.2 spec (Kimber) 7. Heads-up about future changes 8. Low(er) priority items: 2. ITEM: Metadata Elements >Completed last week 3. ITEM: Foreign element description >Completed last week 4. New ITEMS: (if not covered in review items for #1,above) * DITA 1.2 Conformance >Discussed above * Conditional processing >Comments already in wiki * Filtering logic for element >Sue-Laine notes that wording to date is now or soon to be on the wiki. Gershon: keep filtering discussion on >the list, and resolve to the wiki if possible. If the list discussion remains open next week, then we can >keep this item on the agenda. 5. New ITEM: PDF Generation for Spec Draft * http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/201001/msg00074.html (Kimber, Self, Joseph, and others) * Discuss any further customizations; need volunteer to set up wiki page for process documentation >Don acknowledged work by Robert and Kristen as well, and thanked the preparers for helping on the production >quality issues. Please help Eliot with his tweaking questions on the list as this new plugin gets tested. 8:55 Adjourn

Meeting Statistics
Quorum rule 51% of voting members
Achieved quorum true
Counts toward voter eligibility true
Individual Attendance Members: 15 of 187 (8%)
Voting Members: 12 of 17 (70%) (used for quorum calculation)
Company Attendance Companies: 9 of 65 (13%)
Voting Companies: 8 of 10 (80%)