Initial Meeting

When:  Aug 16, 2011 from 17:00 to 18:00 (WET)
Associated with  XLIFF Promotion and Liaison SC

 [apologies to those not interested - I will start using SC list as soon as it is created]

[sorry for mix up, rescheduling so that it fits with the TC frequency]
1.  Please join my meeting,  "every other Tuesday, starting from August 16 at 17:00 GMT Daylight Time".
2.  Use your microphone and speakers (VoIP) - a headset is recommended.  Or, call in using your telephone.
Germany: +49 (0) 898 7806 6464
Ireland: +353 (0) 14 845 983
[I may be able to add a US number before the next meeting]
Access Code: 421-352-758
Audio PIN: Shown after joining the meeting
Meeting Password: 54321
Meeting ID: 421-352-758
Online Meetings Made Easy™
[time chosen based on Doodle poll]


 The Initial XLIFF Promotion and Liaison SC. As we already have a chair I would propose the following agenda:

1) Regular meeting time and frequency
resolved - biweekly till Xmas 2011
2) Relationship to LISA OSCAR standards and their successors
good progress - will continue
3) XLIFF Symposium
some AIs - will continue addressing till Sep 28, 2011
4) ULI relationship
Arle will circulate to xliff list his segmentation character proposal
David will continue reporting on ULI as the liaison
5) LT-Web relationship
6) ISO TC 37 relationship
I want to cover 1)-3) the rest is nice to have.. and most of thepoints will anyway need attention on rolling basis.


 XLIFF Promotion and Liaison SC Meeting Minutes

Initial Meeting – August 16, 2011


David, Arle, Lucia, Bryan, Steven, Peter.

0/ Breaking news – not originally on agenda

David informed SC that Andrzej Zydron was concerned with OAXAL relationship not being on the agenda of SC. Andrzej advised that OAXAL relationship is on SC Charter and invited to join the SC. Andrzej happy that OAXAL features in the Charter, no plans to join the SC as of now..

1/ Meeting Time and Frequency

SC discussed time and frequency of the regular meeting

SC agreed by acclamation that it should meet just after the TC at the TC frequency until Xmas 2011

3/ XLIFF Symposium

David: should we talk more on the XLIFF Symposium promotion? [It was well covered in preceding mail discussion and mentioned on TC meeting]

Peter: the most effective way is when people send direct emails to people they know.

David: I agree. That is what we did.. we had quite a good response rate. LIOX is coming, Asia Online cannot come, others confirmed or promised to forward to interested parties..

Lucia: Maybe contacting Asia Online people.

David: I have already done that, I will do it again.

2/ Relationship with LISA OSCAR successor standards

David: We need a formal relation with ISG.

Arle: I can be the representative if you like.

David: Their mailing lists are not public. Arle is the secretary.

Peter: We can wait and see what they are doing.

David: We should have an independent representative member there.

Arle: I can ask for a formal liaison between both groups.

David: I will be the facilitator for the break up session for the LISA standards successors. One of the obvious people for this is Arle.

Arle: I will be attending as a Gala representative.

Peter: It looks to me that Lisa successors are looking at OASIS as a competitor. And ISG as an organisation is trying to compete with OASIS to my opinion.

David: I have my reservations of ISG as being an organisation for language standards. I think that if XLIFF forms a liaison with that group I would not see it as an endorsement, but a necessity; so that we can have access to their closed discussion, because what is happening inside that group is not public. I think it is a transparent approach.

Bryan: Should we have somebody there as an official person from the XLIFF TC or an unofficial representative.

David: Official. So it makes a more transparent way of transferring the information. I think we should start moving forward to have this formal liaison. Once we know what to do and so on we will elect the representative person.

Arle: Agree with that approach, will ask Patrick about the liaison.

4/ ULI relationship

David: About the ULI relationship. Arle, can you tell us the status of the segmentation character proposal?

Arle: I am working on the proposals.

David: Are you going to circulate it? Does Unicode have to approve it?

Arle: I can circulate to interested parties.

David: Did you get what Arle was talking about?

Peter: I would love to see it in writing..

David: Arle, please send to TC alias, so that everyone can have closer look.

Arle: Will do.

Meeting adjourned.

Meeting Statistics
Quorum rule 0% of voting members
Achieved quorum yes
Individual Attendance Contributing Members: 6 of 7 (85%)
Voting Members: 5 of 5 (100%) (used for quorum calculation)
Company Attendance Contributing Companies: 5 of 6 (83%)
Voting Companies: 4 of 4 (100%)