** Currently evolving as a WD. Will shift to Standards Track Work Product at a later date
Editors status report and editorial input
** Use
TOSCA-10 to submit
Spec editorial suggestions that do NOT change semantics, e.g., grammar, spelling, readability
** When practical, spec JIRA issues/proposals will be evaluated in the context of use cases detailed or subtasked in
Done with 30-day Public Review of Dec. 14-Jan. 13
* Announcement with all links: https://www.oasis-open.org/news/announcements/30-day-public-review-for-topology-and-orchestration-specification-for-cloud-appli
* See TOSCA-79 (Process Comments from 30-Day Public Review CSDPRD1): https://tools.oasis-open.org/issues/browse/TOSCA-79
** Comments that are not "cleanly" resolved upon initial review will be discussed/resolved in a sub-task of TOSCA-79
** Shortcut to all comments in spreadsheet (TC and external) to date (rev 9): Public Download Link
* See Guidelines and Process at: https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/tosca/email/archives/201211/msg00003.html
* Use TOSCA-60 for all MATERIAL contributions such as paragraphs, diagrams, examples, etc. (https://tools.oasis-open.org/issues/browse/TOSCA-60)
* Use TOSCA-16 to submit Primer editorial suggestions that do NOT change semantics, e.g., grammar, spelling, readability (http://tools.oasis-open.org/issues/browse/TOSCA-16)
* See TOSCA Primer, Working Draft 7, Revision 01: https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/document.php?document_id=48201&wg_abbrev=tosca
Note: Before proceeding, the TC should consider voting down the tabled motion from Feb. 7, as it was not correct. Recommend that the TC move on with the below issues first before considering another motion. Text of tabled motion of 2/7 read: "motion: The TC directs the editors to create an updated Primer cleansed of all comments and with all changes from Working Draft 1, Rev 2d accepted. The TC further directs the editors to implement all all non-semantic style suggestions from OASIS staff, and authorizes the co-chairs to request this as Committee Note Draft (CND) Version 2 when notified by the editors."
* TOSCA-12 (Set of Basic Node Types for Defining Topology Templates)
* TOSCA-11 (Set of Fundamental Lifecycle Operations)
* TOSCA-39 (Define core set of DeploymentArtifact Types)
* TOSCA-40 (Define core set of ImplementationArtifact Types)
* TOSCA-51 (Define core set of Requirement and Capability Types)
** TOSCA-44 (How to use Requirements and Capabilities for Monitoring)
** TOSCA-45 (Capacity Requirements and Resources Use Case and Example Discussion)
* TOSCA-34 (Section/Appendix: Mapping Service Template data to OVF Envelope Elements)
* TOSCA-62 (Discussion on the OVF)
* Lastly, circle back to TOSCA-16 and TOSCA-60 (see above)
* GENERAL REMINDER: While a general approach can be decided by motion, specific concrete/material proposals and contributions need to be JIRA issues