TOSCA TC - Regular Meeting (Conference Call)

When:  Feb 21, 2013 from 12:00 to 13:30 (ET)


IMPORTANT: Please examine this entire event description for a handy list of resources, responsibilities, and more!





O N L I N E   C H A T   R O O M 
R E C O R D   Y O U R   O W N   A T T E N D A N C E
Participants are responsible to log their attendance on the Kavi calendar entry at This page also has phone bridge, agenda, links, and other vital information. When you join the meeting, use this page to record your attendance by clicking "Record My Attendance". If you are not on the internet, you can request the chair to record your attendance on your behalf.
Y O U R   S C R I B E   R E S P O N S I B I L I T Y
Every person in the TC is asked to take their turn at scribing a meeting. When your name is called by the co-chair, please take your turn. You will use the chat room for the initial scribing.
Scribing is easy:
1. Change your name using setting button in the chat room to "YOUR NAME (Scribe - CO). 
2. Record motions/votes and some context in the chat room during the meeting (people will add details and help). You don't have to quote people.
3. Later, use this template document to produce draft minutes of the meeting as recorded in the chat room: (Copy/append the raw chat room contents at the end of the doc (copy/paste works fine in most browsers).
4. Post draft file called "TOSCA TC Minutes 2012-MM-DD" to "Meeting Notes" folder here:
T R A C K   Y O U R   V O T I N G   R I G H T S
Participants are responsible for the state of their voting rights. The co-chairs will endeavor to update the roster at before meetings. Except for leaves of absence, the general rule is that a Voting Member who is absent from two consecutive meetings loses his or her voting rights at the end of the second Meeting missed, and a TC Member who has lost his or her voting rights shall regain them by attending two consecutive meetings after the end of the second Meeting attended. (see the TC Process section 2.4.4 for more details).
O T H E R   R E S O U R C E S 
TOSCA JIRA Project (all proposals and issues):
TC standing rules for JIRA mandate that all technical and deliverable proposals and issues be in the form of JIRA issues and will only be voted upon after 1 week. Issues can be discussed at any time. For details, see the approved proposal at:



P R O P O S E D   A G E N D A

Welcome / Roll 
Co-chair appoints a scribe
Review/approve draft proposed agenda
Review/approve draft minutes
* February 14: Public Download Link
* Thanks to Ted Streete for scribing 
OASIS20 Lightening Round Volunteer
Note: Derek was tentative volunteer. The TC needs to confirm a representative. OASIS staff are still trying to obtain additional speaking opportunities, as well, not this is not certain. 
Interoperability Subcommittee Report
Note that there was no Interop SC meeting on 2/18 due to US holiday
** Currently evolving as a WD. Will shift to Standards Track Work Product at a later date
Editors status report and editorial input
** Use TOSCA-10 to submit Spec editorial suggestions that do NOT change semantics, e.g., grammar, spelling, readability 
** When practical, spec JIRA issues/proposals will be evaluated in the context of use cases detailed or subtasked in TOSCA-8


Done with 30-day Public Review of Dec. 14-Jan. 13
* Announcement with all links:
* See TOSCA-79 (Process Comments from 30-Day Public Review CSDPRD1):
** Comments that are not "cleanly" resolved upon initial review will be discussed/resolved in a sub-task of TOSCA-79
** Shortcut to all comments in spreadsheet (TC and external) to date (rev 9): Public Download Link


See Guidelines and Process at:
* Use TOSCA-60 for all MATERIAL contributions such as paragraphs, diagrams, examples, etc. (
* Use TOSCA-16 to submit Primer editorial suggestions that do NOT change semantics, e.g., grammar, spelling, readability (
* See TOSCA Primer, Working Draft 7, Revision 01:

Note: Before proceeding, the TC should consider voting down the tabled motion from Feb. 7, as it was not correct. Recommend that the TC move on with the below issues first before considering another motion. Text of tabled motion of 2/7 read: "motion: The TC directs the editors to create an updated Primer cleansed of all comments and with all changes from Working Draft 1, Rev 2d accepted. The TC further directs the editors to implement all all non-semantic style suggestions from OASIS staff, and authorizes the co-chairs to request this as Committee Note Draft (CND) Version 2 when notified by the editors."
TOSCA-12 (Set of Basic Node Types for Defining Topology Templates)
TOSCA-11 (Set of Fundamental Lifecycle Operations)
TOSCA-39 (Define core set of DeploymentArtifact Types)
TOSCA-40 (Define core set of ImplementationArtifact Types)
TOSCA-51 (Define core set of Requirement and Capability Types)

** TOSCA-44 (How to use Requirements and Capabilities for Monitoring)
** TOSCA-45 (Capacity Requirements and Resources Use Case and Example Discussion)
TOSCA-34 (Section/Appendix: Mapping Service Template data to OVF Envelope Elements)
TOSCA-62 (Discussion on the OVF)
* Lastly, circle back to TOSCA-16 and TOSCA-60 (see above)


* GENERAL REMINDER: While a general approach can be decided by motion, specific concrete/material proposals and contributions need to be JIRA issues




Meeting Statistics
Quorum rule 51% of voting members
Achieved quorum yes
Individual Attendance Contributing Members: 15 of 83 (18%)
Voting Members: 14 of 20 (70%) (used for quorum calculation)
Company Attendance Contributing Companies: 7 of 30 (23%)
Voting Companies: 7 of 10 (70%)