When:  May 17, 2016 from 11:00 to 12:00 (ET)

Please get the dial in information from our private Action Item here:


I Administration (0:00 - 0:10)
  A. Roll call

  B. Approve meeting minutes, 3 May 2016
  C. Revise scheduled for XLIFF 2.1 - Bryan will provide this NLT second meeting in May  

  D. ISO submission of XLIFF 2.0
     Meeting took place. Update from Peter or David
     Notes are in 05-April meeting minutes

     Liaison report to ISO TC 37 (Peter)

  E. XLIFF 2.0 Support - Survey (Lucía)

  F. Action Item progress (as tracked in kavi AI tracker)

  G. Check prefix registration.

  H. Ann: XLIFF 2.1 - ITS support (Yves)

II XLIFF 2.1 (0:10 - 0:45)

* indicates new topic, not yet discussed

  A. Inline attributes and canCopy (Ryan)

  B. * CanReorder Validation error (Ryan)

  C. * ITS text analytics (David)

  D. Internationalization and beyond related metadata for JSON - XLIFF perspective? (Felix)

  E. * Question on namespace re-writing and ITS text analysis (Felix)

  F. * XLIFF and ITS mapping- Elements within text (Soroush)

  G. * XLIFF and ITS mapping-ID value (Soroush)
  H. * Issue with validating extensions (David)
     --> new AI for people to register extensions.
     --> issue report to Okapi-XLIFF (https://bitbucket.org/okapiframework/xliff-toolkit/issues/9)

  I. * XLIFF 2.1 - ITS support; editing calls (Felix)

  J. * itsm namespace in extension registration (Yves)

  L. * ITS in XLIFF 2.1 edits, feedback welcome (Felix)
  M. * Proposal on how to move forward with ITS 2.0 support in XLIFF 2.1 (Felix)
  N. * Changes for the registration of value prefixes (Yves)

III Sub Committee Report (0:45 - 0:55)

IV  Current and New Business (0:55 -


Attendance: Yves, Phil, Soroush, Lucia, David F, Tom C.

Apologies: Bryan

I Administration (0:00 - 0:10)
  A. Roll call

  B. Approve meeting minutes, 3 May 2016

Df: I move to approve the minutes.

Yves: I second.

Df: Meeting minutes approved.

  C. Revise scheduled for XLIFF 2.1 - Bryan will provide this NLT second meeting in May 

Df: Bryan not on the call.


  D. ISO submission of XLIFF 2.0
     Meeting took place. Update from Peter or David
     Notes are in 05-April meeting minutes

Df: It has been confirmed that the submission has been accepted, so the process has started as expected.

     Liaison report to ISO TC 37 (Peter)


  E. XLIFF 2.0 Support - Survey (Lucía)

Df: this item needs to be removed from the main agenda. Good discussion on the subcommittee going on.


  F. Action Item progress (as tracked in kavi AI tracker)

Df: 8 items still pending.

Df: AI: contact Fredrik to add the technical solutions to the docbook.

Y: 0008, I have not made progress.

P: no progress on our side either.

Df: those items could be address in the FTF or working sessions.

P: ok, we can arrange a time.

Df: [goes through the timetable]


Df: 0015, I have made some progress on the draft.


  G. Check prefix registration.

  H. Ann: XLIFF 2.1 - ITS support (Yves)

II XLIFF 2.1 (0:10 - 0:45)

* indicates new topic, not yet discussed

  A. Inline attributes and canCopy (Ryan)

Df: Souroush might take an AI (propose a new explicit constrain that will express what is now the case only implicitly and NOT caught by validators). Could you propose a new wording for that?

S: Ok. Sure.

Df: We will remove it from the agenda and add it to the AI.


  B. * CanReorder Validation error (Ryan)

Df: we would need to contact Ryan.

Y: I do not think progress was made on any item (A or B). I remember discussing them with Ryan, but I do not think we reach any conclusion.

Df: Maybe we could address these items in the FTF in Dublin.


  C. * ITS text analytics (David)

Df: This is in the spec and it is open for people for tested. Anybody has tested yet?

Y: I think I have implemented, I have to double check that.

S: I have not checked it.

Df: Will you take an AI to provide test files for this data category?

Y: OK.

Df: great, we could get this item out of the agenda and have it in the AI tracker.


  D. Internationalization and beyond related metadata for JSON - XLIFF perspective? (Felix)


Df: this is being addressed in the sister committee, it should be removed from the agenda. 


E. * Question on namespace re-writing and ITS text analysis (Felix)

Df: I think this is well addressed in the spec, we can assign this small AI to Felix and remove it also from the agenda.


  F. * XLIFF and ITS mapping- Elements within text (Soroush)

Df: this is now on the spec. This just need verification. The text was provided by Soroush and Felix added to the spec. Do we have a volunteer to verify it? I think that Bryan would be the perfect person to review this item. An AI is created on his name for this.


  G. * XLIFF and ITS mapping-ID value (Soroush)
S: It is recommended to avoid IDs and use native XLIFF ids instead.

Df: we need a volunteer to verify this. We can assign it on the next meeting. 


  H. * Issue with validating extensions (David)
     --> new AI for people to register extensions.
     --> issue report to Okapi-XLIFF (https://bitbucket.org/okapiframework/xliff-toolkit/issues/9)



  I. * XLIFF 2.1 - ITS support; editing calls (Felix)

DF: I did changes on the structures. Has anybody had a look at it.

Y: I saw that you made changes and I will look at it later today.

Df: I basically did what we discussed on the last meeting. I encourage everybody to have a look at the new structure of the ITS support.


  J. * itsm namespace in extension registration (Yves)

Df: this might need to be addressed in a broader context, like the FTF.


  L. * ITS in XLIFF 2.1 edits, feedback welcome (Felix)

Df: this was discussed last time, it is in the verification process.

  M. * Proposal on how to move forward with ITS 2.0 support in XLIFF 2.1 (Felix)
  N. * Changes for the registration of value prefixes (Yves)

Y: I added an AI, and I asked for feedback.

Df: I have checked and I support the changes.

Y: I will send an email saying that if I do not get more feedback by a certain date, I will apply the changes.

Df: I encourage people that own prefixes to register them.

III Sub Committee Report (0:45 - 0:55)

DF: OMOS, we met and we continued working on the diagram. We will have working sessions in Dublin.

The symposium registration is open, the speakers are announced.



Meeting Statistics
Quorum rule 51% of voting members
Achieved quorum yes
Individual Attendance Contributing Members: 6 of 33 (18%)
Voting Members: 6 of 10 (60%) (used for quorum calculation)
Company Attendance Contributing Companies: 5 of 15 (33%)
Voting Companies: 5 of 8 (62%)