Weekly Messaging Call, 29 June 2005

When:  Jun 29, 2005 from 11:30 to 12:30 (UTC)
Description: Weekly Messaging Call Dial-in details: Number: (865)525-0625 Meeting id: 2765625# Host: Doug Bunting, Sun Microsystems

Agenda: 1. Role 2. Re-use / adoption of WS-Addressing 3. Re-use / adoption of WS-Context 4. Focus and plan of TC deliverables 5. Report on WS-RX kick off meting 6. A.O.B. 7. Host and DONM 8. Future agenda items a) Packaging b) Pull MEP c) Use case(s) for uptime schedule d) Need for intermediaries e) Actor and Role elements f) Header targets - which parts belong to whom g) Order of processing of components

