Please get the dial in information from our private Action Item here:
I Administration (0:00 - 0:10)
A. Roll call
B. Approve meeting minutes, 15 September 2015
C. Revise scheduled for XLIFF 2.1
D. Requesting progress of ISO submision of XLIFF 2.0
II XLIFF 2.1 (0:10 - 0:45)
* indicates new topic, not yet discussed
A. Discuss whether can be allowed at all extension points (Ryan)
B. Inline attributes and canCopy (Ryan)
D. Typo in example ( dataRefEnd) (Yves)
E. Add N Constraint to the core order attribute
DF will make a CFD for this on mailing list. This has been now sufficiently discussed. [pending AI for dF]
F. Template/Model for TBX Mapping with XLIFF v2.0 and Higher Version 1.0 (DavidF) [pending AI for Fredrik]
G. ITS storage size restriction
Fredrik to propose slr profile for ITS storage size data category [pending AI for dF]
H. Mistakes in the spec (Soroush)
I. NVDL for the core is updated (Soroush)
J. * NVDL validation for XLIFF 2.0 (Soroush)
K. * Comment on 2.1 draft (Yves)
L. * CanReorder Validation error (Ryan)
III Sub Committee Report (0:45 - 0:55)
IV Current and New Business (0:55 -
DavidF, Bryan, Soroush, Phil, David Walters, Lucía, Uwe, Tom, Yves.
Regrets: Ryan, Fredrik
I Administration (0:00 - 0:10)
A. Roll call
B: Approve meeting minutes, 15 September 2015
dF: I second.
B: Minutes approved.
B: Ryan is not on the call to revise scheduled for XLIFF 2.1
B: Any news on “Requesting progress of ISO submision of XLIFF 2.0”? We do not have Peter on the call.
II XLIFF 2.1 (0:10 - 0:45)
B: We do not have Ryan or Fredrik to comment on the agenda items in this section.
dF: I have not work on my topics as I was working on the sister charter.
B: Souroush, do you want to discuss the items assigned to you?
Are there any items that anybody will like to discuss?
Y: not really, I have not seen any progress that we should comment on. I would like to ask if anybody has any solution to the topic raised by Ryan. When you have two sequences nested. The flag on the closing element is kind of ambiguous.
dF: we are quite constrained about solutions because we do not want to touch core
B: we can recommend best practices.
dF: would there be a way combine it with the validation module or some validation rule?
Y: I do not know, that is why I am asking for everybody’s input.
B: it would mean a complex algorithm.
dF: Yves, if we change the core, do you think that that could solve it? Like adding a value “lastYes”.
Yves: I do not know.
B: what about having the metadata module to map or trace.
dF: some schematron rules can be made to do that, but that is not a strict validation. I will try to take it offline with Soroush and see if we can come up with a solution from the validation module side. It is a core problem, but maybe we can solve it with a module as we are not supposed to change the core.
dF: I requested that text analytics is back to the agenda. Phil, who is present today, is particularly interested in this topic. I want to draw the attention to the fact that this ITS category is covered in the XLIFF 2.1 draft.
Phil: We are actually implementing text analytics on 2.0 in our tool (Ocelot) at the moment, we could give you more information once we finish.
dF: You are now implementing as an extension to 2.1, you should be aware that it will be a module in 2.1.
Phil: I will talk to our main developer.
dF: I think this difference is well described in the wiki by Felix.
III Sub Committee Report (0:45 - 0:55)
dF: There will be a subcommittee meeting today.
Lucía: I finished the survey draft. The questionnaire is ready for discussion with subcommittee members after David reviews it first. We have already created a list with the people who have participated in the past.
dF: If anybody knows any other tool developer interested, please let us know.
dF: I would like to invite other members to take part in the Subcommittee. The charter of the sister committee and all the information related to it will be discussed on the subcommittee. Who would like to become co-proposers? Bryan, you can become a co-proposer as any other individual member.
B: It will depend on the demands.
dF: I am working on it, so at this point we need feedback from you and other potential co-proposers. The Charter drafting template has been well prepared by Chet. I would like to ask the corporate members (IBM and Microsoft) how complicate that would be for them to join in, you might need to contact your representative member as soon as possible.
Uwe: I will think about it and take it offline with dF.
Df: we have SDL commitment already, Patrik and one other member. Trinity will be the convener. I will like to ask Yves, Tom and Lucia.
Yves: it is interesting.
dF: this TC will deal as well with non-XML serializations, in particular JSON, so it would be great to have you, Yves.
Tom: It will depend on the time needed.
dF: we are working to have it ready before Christmas. It will take some time before the TC will start working.
Lucía: It will depend as well on time requirements.
dF: we need to address the new industry requirements like the non-XML serializations. There are other people that will join who are not involved in the current XLIFF TC.
dF: Everyone who is interested in the subcommittee meeting, please stay on the line, after this meeting is adjourned
B: Meeting adjourned.
Meeting Statistics |
Quorum rule |
51% of voting members
Achieved quorum |
yes |
Individual Attendance |
Contributing Members: 9 of 35 (25%) Voting Members: 9 of 12 (75%) (used for quorum calculation)
Company Attendance |
Contributing Companies: 8 of 16 (50%) Voting Companies: 8 of 9 (88%)