9:00am (U.S. PST) 12:00pm (noon) (U.S. EST) 2:00pm (UYT, CLST)****ATTENTION!! 5:00pm (GMT) 6:00pm (CET)
The telecon will be hold using Adobe Connect.
University of Bologna hosts the platform Adobe Connect. We have virtual room where you can enter as "guest" (click on the guest button and enter your last name). https://webconference.unibo.it/legaldocml/
Please try this new tool and in case of some problem contact me by email.
Documentation: https://webconference.unibo.it/common/help/en/connect/8.0/using/index.html
Attached document:
* minutes of the previous TCs meeting 12 Dec.
Next tentative TC meetings: 23, 30 Jan.
1. Approval of the minutes of the previous TC meeting 12 Dec. 2. Presentation of the material from Grant about the positive-law and non-positive law 3. Discussion on the extension of Akoma Ntoso for the US code pilot case 4. New schema XML 5. Official Working Draft document D1 and D2: table of content, schedule and priorities 6. Other business: decision of the F2F meeting location and schedule 7. Adjournment
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