XLIFF TC Meeting (XLIFF 1.2.1 focus)

When:  Jan 27, 2009 from 11:00 to 12:00 (ET)
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Agenda: 1/ Roll call 2/ Approve previous meeting minutes: Accept, reject, or amend. (http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/xliff/200901/msg00001.html) 3/ Announcements A. TC voted to take XLIFF 1.2.1 only as far as Public Review, then turn 100% to XLIFF 2.0 B. Yves, Rodolfo, Arle began a dialog about TMX element for all inline elements, suggest XLIFF should be able to share a single mechanism (http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/xliff-comment/200812/msg00001.html) C. Bryan thanked Jean-Jacques Solari for translating XLIFF 1.2 to French (http://www.yoyodesign.org/doc/oasis/xliff12/index.html) 4/ TC charter update (http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/xliff/charter.php) A. Mary outlined the criteria for updating the charter: (http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/xliff/200806/msg00004.html) B. Tony to draft charter update for first December meeting. 5/ Promoting XLIFF (Peter, David F.) A. Peter to write up proposal on how to promote XLIFF among content handlers to export/import XLIFF. B. Rodolfo to invite Translations.com to join the XLIFF TC. He will contact Mary McRae and ask her to invite the company C. Bryan making inroads with XML Editor Tool companies (recommending that their product include a function called *export to XLIFF/import XLIFF* as an out-of-the-box feature for all of their out-of-the-box DTDs and schemas (like Docbook, XHTML, DITA, etc.)) This will be a huge competitive advantage to the first company to do this. D. Christian's discovery of (http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/xliff/200901/msg00002.html) 6/ Preparing for a vote on Eric's representation guide (ICU Resource Bundle) (http://source.icu-project.org/repos/icu/icuhtml/trunk/design/locale/xliff-profile-icuresourcebundle-1.2.htm) A. Rodolfo to test XLIFF code samples B. Rodolfo and Eric to adapt the guide to the current templates (For XLIFF 2.0 themed meetings, jump to Category 3) ** Category 2 Issues: XLIFF 1.2.1 (quick Turn) ** Note - All issues should be identified, and ready to be put into the 1.2.1 Spec and Schema. It would be useful now to verify or identify action items to make it so. (report from Rodolfo and Doug), Doug has given Rodolfo the updated schema for XLIFF 1.2.1 7/ XLIFF 1.2.1 Issues are tracked on the WIKI (http://wiki.oasis-open.org/xliff/XLIFF1.2/Errata) (Errata page begun by Asgeir) A. Link updated XLIFF 1.2.1 schemas to this page, and perhaps TC page i The items to be changed in the new specifications will be discussed in the wiki first. All changes to the wiki should indicate the name of the comment author. B. Start an XLIFF 1.2.1 Committee Specification and link it to this page i Start a draft specification document for 1.2.1 and the corresponding schemas. ii Rodolfo will create the initial draft, based in current XLIFF 1.2 specification, and iii Doug will edit and update the schemas to reflect the new changes iv Doug and Rodolfo will be listed as editors in the new specification document. C. Proposal to add scope (criteria and due dates) to this page i 1st CS of 1.2.1; ii Public review during February, 8/ Semantics on Attributes on Structural Elements (Christian) (http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/xliff/200808/msg00006.html) 9/ Turning schemas over to Asgeir to begin XLIFF 2.0 ** Category 3 issues: XLIFF 2.0 ** 10/ Make XLIFF 2.0 modular. That way tools could certify to support XLIFF modules (like Full XLIFF Trans-unit support) A. Christian and Magnus to create proposal on modular subsets and report back on progress by end-of-year. 11/ Asgeirs tracking details page (http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/xliff/200804/msg00001.html), (http://wiki.oasis-open.org/xliff/XLIFF2.0/Ideas) will serve as documentation for each of the items being tracked on the goals page (http://wiki.oasis-open.org/xliff/XLIFF2.0Goals). Note: Asgeir's ideas for 2.0. Ideas and suggested recommendations are still open. We need to categorize the new ideas. Note: As the lists are normalized, and we finish XLIFF 1.2.1, we'll track each XLIFF 2.0 item in the agenda. 12/ Topics for XLIFF 2.0 (Rodolfo) (http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/xliff/200807/msg00003.html) 13/ XLIFF 2.0 proposal: Allow [note] to reference [mrk] (Magnus, Bryan, Doug) (http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/xliff/200808/msg00004.html) Note: Magnus stated this item has been moved to the wiki. [ Magnus, I could not find it in the wiki -Doug ] 14/ XLIFF 2.0 Goals (http://wiki.oasis-open.org/xliff/XLIFF2.0Goals) A. Reports from Requirements owners on status of requirement B. Continue to classify remaining Potential Goals (Must Have, Should Have, Nice to Have) C. XLIFF 2.0 Requirements Document draft D. Begin to write the actual "XLIFF Version 2.0 Working Draft" (covered under item 13/ ) ** Non categorized ** 15/ Reports from liaisons involved with other standards groups: A. W3C i18n B. Oscar C. LRC D. OASIS DITA Translation Subcommittee E. OAXAL 16/ New Business +++++++++++++++++++++++

Minutes: 1/ We have Quorum (see attendance) 2/ Eric moves to approve minutes from last meeting Bryan seconds No objections / posted minutes are approved 3/ A. TC discusses the value of taking XLIFF 1.2.1 as far as Committee Spec/Public Review - we like the idea because this requires all of our files (spec, schemas, representation guides) to use current templates and be posted in the right OASIS URLs - And it requires us to have all fixes in place - And it give the community posted/fixed files to use - And it gives us a nice public review - - But it mitigates the risk of fatigue caused by running two OASIS ballots (1.2.1, followed by 2.0) too close together. B. TC commented that it would be great to follow TMX's lead in only having one (same as them) inline element. Magnus: Great idea - need to have one tag for content though - and one for localization metadata - need to associate more information than we do today (i.e., need extensibility point) Doug: Yves' vision of sharing a common namespace with TML for this inline elements is possible, but would add complexity - would be nice to say source and target tags are just placeholders for TMX. Magnus: Segmentation needs to be different than TMX markup. It would be valuable to keep similarity with TMX even if we have a different namespace Bryan announced that the folks at the LISA organization approached us about hosting an OASIS XLIFF Workshop (one-day) at their upcoming event. The event will be held April 6-12th in Taipei. The organizers would like us to poll our TCs members to see if there might be any interest. They're looking for OASIS members to come together to share the status of the new work being done with the TC, as well as any new implementations. Several of us indicated we'd love to do it. But nobody could commit (yet). Milan announced he'd be leaving the TC, and that David Filip would take his place. Milan thanked the TC for the many great years, and assured us David is a wonderful replacement. Bryan thanked Milan for his many years of valuable contribution, expressed regret to see him go, and expressed joy that David will step in. 5/ Promoting XLIFF TC was encouraged by Christian's discovery of Adobe's support to XLIFF. It would be even better if the support were for 1.2, instead of 1.1. Christian will check internally for a contact to suggest this to Adobe. Bryan: Support for XLIFF 1.1 might be more common than we wish - perhaps we should investigate and encourage support for 1.2 - my own XLIFFRoundTrip Tool is guilty of this. Christian: Perhaps Bryan should put an explicit note on the sourceforge page telling that there is a pending update that supports 1.2 - and that there is an OASIS TC that encourages participation Bryan: I can see now that by not updating my tool, I am doing potential harm - by perpetuating the use of 1.1. I will get on the ball and make the updates I've been meaning to get to. 6/ Eric's representation guide Rodolfo has certified the code. All he needs to do now is put it in the most current template - and ask Mary to post it. We will then vote to make it an official document. 7/ XLIFF 1.2.1 Bryan: We think everything is done now. Schemas are good. All we need is of Rodolfo to update the spec, and put it and the representation guides into the current templates and ask Mary to post them. We will then vote for XLIFF 1.2.1 to become a CS. Bryan will follow up with Rodolfo to see if he has the bandwidth, or if he needs helpers.

Meeting Statistics
Quorum rule 51% of voting members
Achieved quorum true
Counts toward voter eligibility true
Individual Attendance Members: 6 of 36 (16%)
Voting Members: 6 of 11 (54%) (used for quorum calculation)
Company Attendance Companies: 6 of 25 (24%)
Voting Companies: 6 of 11 (54%)