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1. Mandate renewal
2. ISO TC 37 SC5 liaison wrap up and next steps
3. XLIFF Symposium and FEISGILTT promotion
Yves, Joachim, Asanka, David, Peter, Bryan
1. Mandate renewal
David reffered on sending the mandate renewal request to the main TC
2. ISO TC 37 SC5 liaison wrap up and next steps
Jamie Clarke confirmed (upon Peter's question) that no OASIS level approval is needed for setting up.
Jamie said in his e-mail that he appreciates our committee works on this relationship, he also siad that our liaison strictly represents the TC (as part of OASIS) and by no means OASIS at the consortium level.
Our liaison only needs to be sent by the TC via an official ballot.
Peter agreed to work on the liaison description and mandate (scope). Once this is discussed at SC level, David will forward it to the main TC.
AI: Peter to draft XLIFF-> ISO TC 37 SC5 liaison mandate and cicrculate to the SC
David said we should be looking into making the liaison reciprocal but the SC did not see any currently viable way how to make it work. SC conclude that it is not a priority at this point. This should be revised at the time when XLIFF 2.0 will make it to committee specification.
3. XLIFF Symposium and FEISGILTT promotion
Not enough paper proposal need to continue promoting. thinking of extending deadline. Work with LocWolrd on registration and discounts.
Meeting Statistics |
Quorum rule |
0% of voting members
Achieved quorum |
yes |
Individual Attendance |
Contributing Members: 6 of 8 (75%) Voting Members: 5 of 6 (83%) (used for quorum calculation)
Company Attendance |
Contributing Companies: 5 of 6 (83%) Voting Companies: 4 of 4 (100%)