
Contact Details



Gary Edwards


1 to 5 of 17 total
Hi Lars, There is a mistake in the minutes from the 2007-5-21 coordination call. There were only five attendees on the call, yet seven are listed. Since this was a coordination call, i would appreciate your changing the minutes to accurately reflect the attendance. See what happens when you ...
I believe David and Thomas have correctly stated the case. There is however one aspect missing from their analysis; the "round tripping" aspect. Thomas is right that the decision between the Novell and Sun/KOffice List Proposals comes down to a trade off between an advanced list implementation ...
Hi all, This morning i cast my "List Enhancement Proposal" vote, and noticed that voting closes on Wednesday, May 2nd. Of the 10 TC members eligible, as of this morning only five have voted. The web page for casting your vote is at: ...
Hi all, It's my pleasure to introduce to the TC a new member, Ben Langhinrichs. Many of you are no doubt familiar with Ben's Blog and the long tail of very insightful comments he has posted while racing the full length the sprawling ODF - OOXML front line of controversy. I don't think he's ...
Hi all, It's my pleasure to introduce to the TC a new member, Ben Langhinrichs. Many of you are no doubt familiar with Ben's Blog and the long tail of very insightful comments he has posted while racing the full length the sprawling ODF - OOXML front line of controversy. I don't think he's missed ...