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David Walters


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Posted By David Walters 04-06-2015 13:24
Found In Egroup: xliff-comment
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The definition of the element states ( ): sc Start of a spanning original code. Contains: This element is always empty. The following section contains an ...
Posted By David Walters 02-13-2014 15:38
Found In Egroup: xliff-comment
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In section "4.2.1 Tree Structure", the following structural elements are missing: David Corporate Globalization Tool Development EMail: Phone: (507) 253-7278, T/L:553-7278, Fax: (507) 253-1721 CHKPII: ...
Posted By David Walters 02-13-2014 14:41
Found In Egroup: xliff-comment
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In section " Without an Existing Target" where the PRs about how to modify the target content are listed, the specification has the following PR: [[ - Modifiers MAY add translatable text. ]] I assume it really means "Modifiers MAY add translation of the source text". Or does ...
I noticed a few inconsistencies. In the syntax diagram, it indicates that there must be 1 element. In the "Processing Requirements" section of , it states that "User agents may create if not already present." Which is correct? In the syntax diagram, it indicates that there may be zero, one or more ...