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Mr. Peter Zelechoski


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My preference would be for the 3rd option. I believe the credential types need to be included and there needs to be a specified way to handle exchange of the User/Password credential pair. From: Matthew.Ball@Sun.COM [mailto:Matthew.Ball@Sun.COM] Sent: 2010-02-18 11:22 AM To: kmip@l ...
I do not disagree with what Jay is saying. I understand the desire to have a more full featured deployment to minimize the number of servers you might otherwise end up with. Although I can support the more subset centric deployment even if I would prefer a global one. Going this route would ...
I believe there is a need for the ability to know if a server is compliant to KMIP for the type of key exchange needed. If my client needs to interact for symmetric keys, I need to know the server is KMIP compliant for symmetric key functions. So, from a conformance clause, there needs to be a ...
Bob - One of my main interests is an off-line profile for key exchange; I think that was actually targeted for post 1.0; I also think the discussions around tape backup usage probably come close. I don't know that we have to have a conformance profile for every possible usage but the main ...