
Contact Details



Yoshito Umaoka


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Description: Use the following link to join the meeting: ========== Agenda: Administration Dec 21 meeting minutes - Technical PGS module spec update status - http ...
Dear all, Please find below a summary of 2023-12-21 XLIFF-TC call. Best regards, Yoshito Attendance: Rodolfo, Mihai, Yoshito. We have quorum I. Administration Approved December 21 st meeting minutes: II. Technical work Mihai started working ...
Dear all, Please find below a summary of 2023-12-05 XLIFF-TC call. Best regards, Yoshito Attendance: Rodolfo, Mihai, Yoshito. We have quorum I. Administration Agree to use Google Meet starting next meeting. II. Technical work PGS module review feedback to Mihai Discussed items reported in https://gi ...
Dear all, Please find below a summary of 2023-10-03 XLIFF-TC call. Best regards, Yoshito ----------------------------- Attendance: Rodolfo, Mihai, Yoshito. We have quorum I. Administration Yoshito missed meeting minutes for Sep 19 th meeting. II. Technical work No updates for pgs module spec update. ...
Dear all, Please find below a summary of 2023-08-15 XLIFF-TC call. Best regards, Yoshito ----------------------------- Attendance: Rodolfo, Mihai, Yoshito. We have quorum I. Administration Approved August 1 st meeting minutes - II. Technical ...