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Dr. Eric Burger


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Posted By Eric Burger 08-07-2017 11:08
Found In Egroup: CTI STIX Subcommittee
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Do we really care? Given the contents of ISO 3166 are everywhere, including Wikipedia , it seems a safe reference. If we want to spite ISO, reference Wikipedia and not the ISO standard ;-) On Aug 7, 2017, at 4:59 AM, Mr. Stefan Hagen wrote: Dear members, as of this morning, I received a statement from ...
Posted By Eric Burger 06-13-2017 14:46
Found In Egroup: OASIS Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI) TC
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Hope to see you all there. Remember there is a STIX educational gathering the day before. On Jun 12, 2017, at 12:09 PM, OASIS Open wrote: Submitter's message CTI TC: Many of our TC Members will be at the Borderless Cyber Conference this week. Therefore, we have cancelled this Working Call. Best, -- ...
Posted By Eric Burger 06-12-2017 16:10
Found In Egroup: OASIS Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI) TC
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Submitter's message CTI TC: Many of our TC Members will be at the Borderless Cyber Conference this week. Therefore, we have cancelled this Working Call. Best, -- Ms. Jane Ginn Event Title : Weekly Working Call Date : Tuesday, 20 June 2017, 03:00pm to 04:00pm EDT Location : Virtual Description ...
Posted By Eric Burger 03-26-2017 13:11
Found In Egroup: OASIS Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI) TC
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Ditto. It the goal is to ensure we never have CTI, then let’s continue to change our minds right as we are about to publish. We can go for decades and our bosses will think we are hard at work. Given I’m effectively my own boss. I veto that idea. Let’s finish what we’ve got. Then we can work on something ...