
Contact Details



Jim Kupsch


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Larry, Two comments on other fields and other answers below. The other field look good to me. Thanks, Jim -------- For the contact for further information field should the OASIS SARIF mailing list be included in addition (or place of)? I don't know if this is used for completing registration process ...
Larry, Thanks! The bookmark based TOC is now present in my viewer. Jim On 2/26/20 2:50 PM, Larry Golding (Myriad Consulting Inc) wrote: Thanks Jim. I remade the PDF, updated the .zip file, and pushed the changes to the repo.
Larry, Can you remake the pdf, so that it includes bookmarks? This makes the pdf much more useful. Instructions are in the attached email. Jim On 2/26/20 11:35 AM, Larry Golding (Myriad Consulting Inc) wrote: I did the following: 1. Generated HTML and PDF copies of the spec. 2. Copied the “external ...
Larry, I've reviewed the changes and they look good to me. Thanks, Jim On 2/25/20 12:28 PM, Larry Golding (Myriad Consulting Inc) wrote: Today's the day, everybody. Please review the changes and get back to me with any concerns. If I don't hear anything by end of day (hmm, I suppose that s Pacific Time), ...