UBL Pre-Award Procurement Subcommittee

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Minutes of UBL Pre-award SC call 30. Marts 2016 16.30 CEST

  • 1.  Minutes of UBL Pre-award SC call 30. Marts 2016 16.30 CEST

    Posted 03-30-2016 15:04
        Minutes of UBL Pre-award SC call 30. Marts 2016    16.30 CEST    ATTENDANCE      G. Ken Holman      Ole Madsen (convener)       STANDING ITEMS 1.          UBL-QualificationApplicationRequest-Pre-award and UBL-QualificationApplicationResponse-Pre-award and eNotification -              Our Goal is to change the following before 13. April 2016 meeting: UBL-QualificationApplicationRequest-Pre-award UBL-QualificationApplicationResponse-Pre-award UBL-PriorInformationNotice-Pre-award UBL-ContractNotice-Pre-award UBL-ContractAwardNotice-Pre-award UBL-CallForTenders-Pre-award   These are the fields we agreed adding to the CfT:   -                                                       -   Tender encryption certificate -                                                       -     Tender symmetric encryption key length -                                                       -     Tender symmetric encryption algorithm -                                                       -   Tender encryption message format   ( We will add them into the tender preparation class )       2.          Are there request for new UBL documenttypes:          3.          Are there request for new Pre-Award Procurement components of the UBL common library model elements in UBL common library model :     4.          Are there request for new codelists:       JIRA tickets https://issues.oasis-open.org/i#browse/UBL-21       SC CONCALL SCHEDULE      Next meetings:      2016-04-13 Atlantic 15:30 CET    2016-05-11 Atlantic 15:30 CET        Will anyone be requesting a leave of absence in the near future?  For    privacy reasons, this discussion will be kept off of the minutes.       OTHER BUSINESS       Venlig hilsen/Best Regards Ole Madsen T   +45 4090 6064 M  +45 2331 3133 E   olema@digst.dk   Finansministeriet Digitaliseringsstyrelsen Landgreven 4, Postboks 2193 1017 København K Ministry of Finance Agency for Digitisation Landgreven 4, Postboks 2193 DK-1017 Copenhagen K T   +45 3392 8000