UBL Pre-Award Procurement Subcommittee

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Minutes of UBL Pre-award SC call 27. May 2016 16.00 CEST

  • 1.  Minutes of UBL Pre-award SC call 27. May 2016 16.00 CEST

    Posted 05-27-2016 15:45
    Minutes of UBL Pre-award SC call 27. May 2016  16.00 CEST  ATTENDANCE    Oriol Bausa    G. Ken Holman    Ole Madsen (convener)   Solutions:   Encryption:   We will work for a generic Encryption solution used with URI or not – that also can be used in UBL-CallForTenders     <EncryptionCertificate> https://www.digst.dk/udbud/NemID.cer</EncryptionCertificate >   <EncryptionCertificatePathChain> https://www.trust2408/certPaths/Trust2408_issuingCA12_chain.p7c</EncryptionCertificatePathChain > <SymmetricAlgorithm> <SymmetricAlgorithmOID>2.16.840.</SymmetricAlgorithmOID> <SymmetricAlgorithmOID>2.16.840.</SymmetricAlgorithmOID> </SymmetricAlgorithm>   <EncryptionMessageFormat>1.2.840.113549.</EncryptionMessageFormat>   New documenttypes in UBL 2.2   UBL-ExpressionOfInterestConfirmation-Pre-award OK   UBL-ExpressionOfInterest-Pre-award Economic operator type code in BII has no element in UBL: Add type of the economic operator, used for statistical purposes: sme, group of economic operators (joint venture, consortium or other)   UBL-TenderingQuestion-Pre-award BII Contains a reference to the lot that UBL does not have. We add a reference to the Lot   UBL-TenderingAnswer-Pre-award BII Contains a reference to the lot that UBL does not have. We add a reference to the Lot     UBL-TenderStatusInquiry-Pre-award OK     UBL-TenderStatus-Pre-award Added  TenderRecipient Party and Document Provider Party   UBL-TenderWithdrawal-Pre-award OK   UBL-UnawardedNotification-Pre-award Change SenderParty to Contracting Party Change ReceiverParty to EconomicOperator Party   UBL-UnsubscribeFromProcedureConfirmation-Pre-award OK     UBL-UnsubscribeFromProcedure-Pre-award Economic operator type code in BII has no element in UBL: The type of the economic operator, used for statistical purposes: sme, group of economic operators (joint venture, consortium or other). We will work on this hierarchy.     UBL-TenderContract-Pre-award OK     UBL-QualificationApplicationRequest-Pre-award Changed the structure. Added Criterion Requirement Group instead of Criterion Requirement in Criterion class. Added Criterion Requirement Group as a recursive class inside CriterionRequirement Group. Removed PeriodTypeCode and PeriodTypeDescription and added a ApplicablePeriod class Removed CriterionResponse form CriterionRequirement Removed Event class from CriterionRequirement. Removed CriterionFulfillment   class from the library Class ResponseValue redone.   UBL-QualificationApplicationResponse-Pre-award Economic Operator RoleCode should not be a BBIE in the root but a property on the Economic Operator Party as in the other documents. Added CriterionRequirementResponse as a 0..n class in the Response document.   UBL-AwardedNotification-Pre-award Change SenderParty to Contracting Party Change ReceiverParty to EconomicOperator Party Added TenderResult. Award Identifier in TenderResult class.     UBL-TenderReceipt OK     Work on changes to eNotification: (Pending) UBL-PriorInformationNotice-Pre-award UBL-ContractNotice-Pre-award UBL-ContractAwardNotice-Pre-award     We will handle Ontology as UBL Extension.   Plan to have a new set of UBL XML Schemas in beginning of week 22. Venlig hilsen/Best Regards Ole Madsen T   +45 4090 6064 M  +45 2331 3133 E   olema@digst.dk   Finansministeriet Digitaliseringsstyrelsen Landgreven 4, Postboks 2193 1017 København K Ministry of Finance Agency for Digitisation Landgreven 4, Postboks 2193 DK-1017 Copenhagen K T   +45 3392 8000