OASIS Transformational Government Framework TC

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30-Day CND Public Review Request for TGF Primer

  • 1.  30-Day CND Public Review Request for TGF Primer

    Posted 07-22-2011 18:27
    The following request has been submitted to the OASIS TC Administrator on Friday, July 22, 2011 - 10:24 GMT Submitter's Name: John Borras TC Name: Transformational Government Framework TC Email Address: tgf@lists.oasis-open.org Work Product Title: TGF Primer Committee Note Draft ##: CND01 CND URI: http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/tgf/document.php?document_id=41743 Additional Resources: http:// Approval Link: http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/tgf/document.php?document_id=42968 Abstract: The Transformational Government Framework is a managed process of ICT-enabled change in the public sector, which puts the needs of citizens and businesses at the heart of that process and which achieves significant and transformational impacts on the efficiency and effectiveness of government. The TGF Primer is intended to serve as an introduction to and detailed overview of the Framework. It also covers the Framework's rationale, purpose, scope, and intended use. TC Description : The Transformational Government TC is advancing an overall framework for using information technology to improve the delivery of public services. Unlike traditional e-Government strategies of the past, Transformational Government begins with citizen engagement to assure greater use and return on investment. The work of the TC includes defining the framework, identifying use cases, and providing adoption guidance for governments around the world, regardless of their history in implementing eGov. Notification List: Please use the same Notification List as for the Public Review of the TGF Pattern Language - Core Patterns. Notes: We would like the Public Review of this TGF Primer to be held at the same time as that of the TGF Pattern Language - Core Patterns as both documents compliment each other. -- Thank you for your request. We will review your request and schedule the preparation, publication and Public Review of your Work Product shortly. You can follow the entire TC Administration queue at: http://tools.oasis-open.org/issues/browse/TCADMIN or track activity on this request at: http://tools.oasis-open.org/issues/browse/TCADMIN-592 The Standards Development team. Regards, Paul -- Paul Knight   - Tel: +1 781-861-1013 OASIS - Advancing open standards for the information society Document Process Analyst